With three dogs.
On the east coast of southern Baja California where many retired Americans and Canadians have secluded themselves in beautiful houses.
Houses that come with ATV's carrying their fat asses around.
Because they have forgotten they have legs that can be used for walking.

Some dogs have the habit to run after machines moving.
Must be instincts driving them to defend their territory or something.
For the passing ATV driver, who has nothing to do anyway, there are several options in case a dog comes running after the unnecessary and polluting vehicle.
One is to increase the speed and outrun the dog.
Who will give up and feel happy to have chased the monster away.
Another way is to simply stop and kindly approach the dog.
Maybe even give it a little cookie and some pats on the head.
Dog happy also and peace continues at the east coast of Baja California between the humans and the canines.
But this week an idiot of the highest classification on an ATV approached the situation in a different way.
When the barking, chasing but basically good willing dog came close to him driving his decadent doughnut, he got out his can with pepper spray.
Waited for the perfect moment and sprayed right in the eyes and the head of the dog a full load of the vicious and aggressive stuff.
How about that?
The dog panicked and ran home.
Her owner, the one in the birthday cake, didn't know what had happened except that she saw the dog was in tremendous pain and suffering.
She tried to clean the eyes and the nose, ignorant of the stuff sprayed on the dog.
Next thing that happened was that she herself got the residues of the pepper spray on her hands and knees suffering strong pain and irritation.
Yes, fervent and loyal blog readers, there are assholes on ATV's driving around with pepper spray hurting dogs in a sadistic way .
Another event this week was that there were visitors in the Fuso Szulc.
Real big ones.

What to do?
Ants can bite and cause pain and irritation.
But only when they are cornered.
It was admired that these big ants manage to live in a desert.
Because that is where the Fuso Szulc is located these days.
And it was admired that these animals were so smart to find out that inside the Fuso Szulc was delicious food for them.
From far away they had been smelling it or sensing it and they managed to find their way inside.
Now recently, on the BBC radio, a program interviewed a scientist who had been studying ants.
Animals that are tremendously sophisticated.
For example, they have a way to communicate with each other by sound.
Yes, ants make sounds that make sense.
To inform the others that there is food.
Or danger.
The scientist had managed to record these sounds the ants make.
So, knowing how very much advanced ants are, how on earth could someone be hostile towards them when they come to visit?
Hence, it was decided that the ants were welcome.
Could feed themselves as they pleased.
The next revelation was that it is OK to have ants around.
They are in fact very helpful.
They join in keeping the place clean.
However, to not let things get out of hand, the interior of the Fuso Szulc was kept tidy more than ever.
No more food crumbles on the table and the floor.
Garbage removed frequently.
And guess what?
After two days the ants were gone.
This feels good.
The ants came.
Had their party.
And moved on.
With not one killed.
By simply being a little tolerant and respectful.
Pepper spray...
Aggressiveness is never a good solution.
To hear ants, go to:
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