Saturday, August 1, 2009

What is in the sleeve?

The publisher of the new photo book “Sequences: the ultimate selection” was sending an e-mail yesterday: “Remember, we need a biography of you to publish in the 240 pages book”.

This is a kindly worded reminder of the publisher.
It had been put on the “to do”- list for the book months ago.
It was promised by the photographer to write and send it.
But it has not happened.

Did it slip from the mind?
Was it forgotten due to heavy workload?

Not at all.
It was in the conscience many times.
But it was pushed ahead.
Postponed to do this job some other time soon.
And it did not happen until now.

Why is this?
Every single day a posting is written for this blog, so what is the problem writing a biography?

Because inner resistance is felt to write the own biography.
There is no appetite for the task.
No mind to it.

The reason is simple.
There is the private person and there is the public photographer.
Two in one.
Life is lived every day from being a private person.
And sometimes it is needed to be the public photographer.

Obviously, the best and most pleasant is to be the private person.
To be the public photographer is pushing aside the real self and to play a role.
And therefore not so pleasant at all.

This phenomenon surfaces clearly when meeting people.
They can choose to either have an approach to the private person.
Or to the public photographer.
When the relationship is with the private person the contact can be of value, substance and quality.
However, when the choice is to see the person as a public photographer, the approach is from assessments made beforehand.
To become what the other person has as an image.
And then it feels like standing on the side and not being personally involved.

To write a biography for a photo book is to make a list of accomplishments and achievements that were the result of being a public photographer.
However, as a private person those particular achievements and accomplishments are of very little interest.
Compared to what have been the results of the inner growing process.

The contents of a professional biography has little to do with how the private person has become and currently is.

Nevertheless, the new photo book “Sequences: the ultimate selection” must have a professional biography.
And whether the protagonist likes it or not, the biography has to be produced.

So some kind of trick must come out of the sleeve to have an intriguing, interesting and well written biography available soon for “Sequences: the ultimate selection” .

Therefore, today, Mr. Publisher, an effort will be made by the photographer to be a magician.


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