First of all, it needs to be a safe place.
Makes no sense to wander this world and be slit the throat by some guys interested in the Apple computer and some cash.
Second priority is that it has to be a quiet place.
Sleeping is most enjoyed when outside it is peaceful.
No noises like trucks and cars passing by.
Or people quarrelling.
Or a generator running.
Having these objectives in mind while travelling, most of the time it is successful.
But sometimes it is unavoidable to fall into a trap.
Like last night.
Anna Karen and Roberto, their kids and their family are long time friends in Ciudad Constitucion, Baja California, Mexico.
Where they have a “campestre”.
A place where the local population comes to for relaxing under palm trees and swimming in the huge pool.
Besides, the family has orange tree plantations.
They make orange juice that they sell in the region.
And they sell the oranges for export.
Last year they got 0,14 Mexican Pesos per kilo.
This year 4,18 Mexican Pesos…
By the way, Anna Karen said, tonight we have rented the “campestre” out for a big wedding party.
And a large bus appeared soon with on its side “orchestra”.
From former experiences it had be learned that a trap was opening.
Yes, Anna Karen explained, it is going to be noisy tonight until at least 4 o’clock in the morning.
Better run for a better place to spend the night as close to the swimming pool: the usual campsite.
So, a spot was found in between the orange trees far behind the “campestre”.

But the volume of a Mexican wedding party band was seriously underestimated.
Especially the bass guitar and the drums made sounds that carried for miles.
That inspired the birds living in the orange trees.
The poor creatures couldn’t sleep either and got inspired to sing along with the Mexican band.
So repeatedly the enterprising photographer woke up by the singing of the birds believing it was time to get ready for a new day while it was in the middle of the night.
And then there were the dogs.
A lot of them.
They had discovered on their nightly roaming expedition this strange vehicle in between the orange trees.
Most unusual and strange and maybe threatening.
So they grouped around it to bark the night away.
Testing each other’s volume and alertness.
Making so much noise that probably at the wedding party they were even wondering what was going on in the orange tree plantation.
It is easy in those circumstances to feel miserable.
To feel damned.
Hopeless and helpless.
But that all makes no sense.
That is being silly Billy himself.
Better to use Zen ways of dealing with life in those dramatic circumstances.
To remain relaxed.
And to imagine what a good time these people have at the wedding party.
What a good musicians the “orchestra” are.
What an opportunity the birds have for experiencing a pre-morning at night.
To feel happy for the dogs that they have something to be upset about together.
With this attitude, before we know, it is discovered that the wedding party is over, the birds asleep again and the dogs probably fucking each other now.
The permanent pilgrim able to enter the land of the thousand dreams forever and ever.
Until the sun comes up.
And the birds start singing again.
A new day so beautiful that last night does not count anymore.
Excellent attitude! Only get upset at situations you can change.
I love it!!!...Zen...This post reminded me of using it again!!..Thanks for the chuckle!! I bet you slept really good the following night!!! ;) Norm
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