He will turn thirteen.
Edgar is the eldest son of Norma Gonzales, the daughter of Gumaro.
The boy lives permanently on the rancho Punta Boca del Salado, Baja California, Mexico.
He helps Gumaro milking the cows in the morning.
And Ketcha during the day with all kinds of little jobs.

However, Edgar is a boy who is not having an easy life.
For reasons that can only be speculated about he is lazy, inactive, negative and aggressive.
Both Ketcha and Gumaro have their hands full to control the boy.
And almost always they are dissatisfied how he behaves and is doing his work.
And this for good reasons.
He likes the most to just hang in a chair watching TV.
Or play with some computer gadget he got for Xmas.

Edgar never really knew his Dad.
Norma ended that relationship soon after her son was born.
The father never cared for him and until now there is no contact between the two of them.
It is sad to see Edgar.
He is an unhappy boy.
Making his own life difficult.
Putting himself in his own way.
When the children are all at the rancho, there are the classes.
Edgar has been asking if he could join.
But in the class, within fifteen minutes he is having arguments with the others.
About a pen or about a piece of paper or about anything.
These conflicts are made physical by him.
He beats up the others and him being the oldest and strongest, the teacher has to intervene.
Edgar is told that aggression and physical violence is not tolerated in any way.
Eventually he leaves the class: he just can’t join and share the positive and enjoyable action taking place.
The same thing happened to him in Primary School.
Permanent conflicts with teachers and other pupils.
Getting so bad that at the age of twelve they took him out of school and to work at the rancho.
Now it can be observed Edgar is lonely.
As a twelve-year-old boy he is among adults only.
During the week there are no other children.
And he is separated from his mother, sister and brother.
That is an emotional tough situation.
And already a difficult boy, it doesn’t help him to improve.
Next week is his birthday and some deep thinking has been taking place what to give him as a present.
His sister Rocilo got a mobile phone and Edgar wants one also.
But it won’t serve him.
There is no signal at the Rancho to use a mobile phone.
Three days ago an idea was born what to give Edgar.
A dog.
It will give him company.
A loyal friend.
It will teach Edgar how to take care.
Teach him how to have responsibilities.
And to experience to receive love and to give love.
The idea was proposed to Edgar.
And instantly it could be observed that it was a bingo idea.
Immediately he broke into a huge smile.
A face full of joy and happiness.
“YES”, he said, “I want a dog for my birthday!!!”
The next step was to talk with him about to have a dog.
That he was living with his grand parents on their rancho.
So that he needed to first get permission from them to be allowed to have a dog.
This conversation took place in the kitchen in the presence of his grandmother Ketcha.
Who immediately understood the benefits for Edgar to have a dog.
He asked his grandmother and she gave permission.
Now he needs to ask permission from his grand father.
And this is a problem for him.
He is not afraid of Gumaro but for sure intimidated.
Until now Edgar has not asked him the question.
Yesterday Edgar was asked if he had spoken with Gumaro.
Too afraid.
What Edgar doesn’t know is that yours truly has already spoken with Gumaro about giving Edgar a dog for his birthday.
Gumaro is not wild about the idea but it might work anyway.
Now we wait for Edgar to get all his courage together to talk about his dog to his grand father.
It is part of the learning process he is believed to need to go through.
If he comes to inform that he got the permission from his grand father, we will go to the dog shelter in San Jose del Cabo where he can select the dog he wants.
Michel -
Brilliant idea - he is lucky to have you for a friend and advocate. The dog will be his to take care of, to love, to confide in, and to teach. I hope he asks his Grandfather soon (another great lesson for him). Please keep us informed - this might be the impetus that changes his life for the better. You're awesome!!
While that sounds like a good idea, and you have nothing but the best of intentions and I feel sorry of the boy, I also already feel very sorry for the dog. In the best of circumstances a child almost never follows through on the responsibilities of pet ownership. A dog can live for almost 20 years. There better be someone else at the ranch willing to care for the dog. Good luck.
Doug in Santa Rosa (CA)
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