He is an active member of Hamas’: the religious and political organization who was voted democratically by the Gaza Palestinians as the ruling party.
Hamas’ wants to end the existence of the State of Israel and from their point of view that is understandable.
Israel took away the land and the houses where the Palestinians used to live.
And chased them away.
To be forced to live in miserable circumstances in refugee camps without any prospect for a better future.
While suffering heavily by economic, cultural and social blockades and boycotts by Israel.

No wonder an intelligent man like Nizar Rayan turns against the Israelian Government and decides to fight them no matter how.
What has he to loose?
In his case: his life and that of his family.
Two days ago an American build Israelian warplane dropped a 2,000-pound bomb on his house.
Killing Nizar Rayan and 18 other people, including his family members.

Nizar Rayan's house after the 2,000 pounds Israelian bomb hit.
And this was only the beginning.
Twelve other Hamas’ leaders had their houses bombed and destroyed killing many more innocent civilian people.

Remember how outraged the world is when a Jewish synagogue is put on fire?
The Israelian Government has not hesitated to bomb and destroy an Islamic Mosque in Gaza.
The American International School there was destroyed as well.

There is no doubt that the Israelian Government and the Israelian Defence Forces are barbarians and war criminals.
But they could never perform their atrocities without the support of the American Government.
By now, over 400 people, including women and children, have been killed by American airplanes and helicopters piloted by Israeli, bombing undefended civilian areas with American rockets, bombs, shells and other explosives.

President Bush was silent while this massacre was going on with the weapons he supplied.

Until yesterday.
After more than 400 Palestinians killed, after enormous destruction and unbelievable suffering of the civilian population at the hands of the Israelian Government and the Israelian Defence Forces, President Bush, a war criminal himself, said:
“The Hamas rocket attacks on Israel are an "act of terror"
The man is mad.
An idiot.
A psychopath.
Hamas fires home made Mickey Mouse rockets into Israel.
Flimsy rockets with a maximum reach of 40 kilometres that usually land in the Israelian fields.
While Israel is responding like if they could be hit by an atomic bomb on Tel Aviv coming from Gaza any moment.

For 8 years President Bush has had the opportunity to create some kind of peace settlement in the Middle East.
Also there he has achieved nothing.

We see history repeat itself.
Several years ago Israel also attacked Lebanon to try to end Hezbollah.
Besides many civilians killed and a lot of destruction, the result was that Hezbollah is stronger than ever.

Now the same failing strategy is applied to Gaza and Hamas’.
With recklessness about Arab civilians only seen in the most ruthless war by the worst war criminals.

We are not to know the results of the Israelian attacks on Gaza.
The Israelian Government, for many months now, does not allow any journalist or photographer to travel into Gaza to report what is going on there.
So they have their hands free to kill and destroy without that the world opinion can turn against it.
All this devastation, destruction, loss of life, misery and suffering could have been prevented by the United States.
Most of the weapons that the Israelian Defence Forces use are bought or have been received as a gift from the United States.
There is a law in the USA controlling the use of the weapons that are exported or donated.
The U.S. Arms Export Control Act.
This is a law that is the expression of a majority of the American people.
Because it is a law that was democratically created and intended for the Government to follow without making exceptions.
This U.S. Arms Export Control Act
clearly states that U.S. origin weapons should not be used for "non-defensive purposes."

Frida Berrigan, a senior research associate with the Arms Trade Resource Centre at the World Policy Institute in New York, is equally outraged at the misuse by Israel of U.S.-supplied weapons.
"In light of U.S. Arms Export Control Act, the United States has an opportunity to stave off further bloodshed and suffering by demanding that its weaponry and military aid not be used in attacks against Gaza and elsewhere, and by challenging Israeli assertions that it is using military force defensively."
But the United States Government has always decided to side with only one of the parties involved in this complicated conflict.
Supporting it with billions of Dollars in aid and billions of Dollars of weaponry.
And supporting it no matter what kind of atrocities and war crimes the Israelian Government and its Israelian Defence Forces are committing.
Even if this violates the own US-laws.

This is not the way to come to find a solution for a conflict.
It only results in a majority of the world population hating the United States even more.
Don’t be surprised therefore for retaliation and punishment.
Creating, instigating and supporting violence, results in getting violence in return.

If another Twin Tower-like attack occurs, killing innocent US civilians: do address the US-Government.
VERY TRUE. Peace will not exist as long as Israel does. The U.S.is a bully nation who thrives on hate and violence and supports a J.R. bully nation who thrives on hate and violence.
We will get our butt spanked again as we did in the twin towers and we will whine again when we get what we have coming.
Spoken by a red neck Texan who is not afraid to think for himself and call a spade a spade
Michael....yours is the typical European response to what is happening in Gaza. You never mention that in the last 3 years Hamas has launched into Israel 6,000 unguided rockets. During the past 6 months, which was tauted as a "ceasefire" Hamas launched around a 1,000 unguided rockets into Israel. We were told, "if only Israel will withdraw from Gaza there will be peace". Instead the rocket attacks worsened. When Israel clamps down on the border entrances to stop the importation of rockets, and explosives Hamas uses that as an excuse to increase rocket attacks.
When Israel finally responds to 6,000 rocket attacks with force, and kills 400 Palestinians, of which 300 are acknowledged to be Hamas terrorists, Israel is accused of using disprotionate force. Your idea, apparently, is that Israel should only shoot unguided rockets into Gaza and let them land where they may.
You fail to mention, that unlike Hamas, Israel calls ahead to warn the innocent to vacate an area that is to be bombed.
How many people die on one side, or another is no inicator of who is right and who is wrong. Israel targets Hamas with precision guided bombs and rockets, while Hamas launches unguided rockets into civilian areas hoping to kill innocent civilians. You don't mention that if Hamas stopped firing rockets, & sending in homicide bombers tomorrow there would be peace by the day after tomorrow. Your post is Orwellian to say the least.
There is nothing typical European about the bloggers opinion.
He has a quite right and universal idea about justice.
Chockwald, like many other Zionists, conveniently forgets why Hamas is firing rockets into Israel.
In the eyes of people like Chockwald, the Palestinians who lost everything and who live under the most appalling circumstances with no future, must shut up.
To just be quiet and suffer and give up any claim.
But Israel can never be a peaceful reality if not a satisfying solution is found for the situation of the Palestinians.
That starts by having understanding for Palestinians but people like Chockwald voluntarily close their eyes for their horrific reality imposed on them by the Israelians.
In this way they become guilty and accomplices for methods similar as the Nazi’s had.
Vince Taylor-NY
Vince responds with a typical kneejerk assumption that I am a Zionist....not only am I not a Zionist, but I am not even Jewish. Since Hamas does not recognize the right of Israel to exist and its expressed intention is that Israel must cease to exist, does that not put them at odds with most of the world that does recognize Israel's right to exist. If Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran made peace with Israel tomorrow, do you not think things would improve dramatically for those who live in Gaza and the West Bank? Border security could be relaxed improving trade, and the business climate in Gaza would improve if there were no more rockets and homicide bombers, and the walls could come down improving life for everyone. We will never know what could be, because there are still those who do not recognize Israel's right to exist, and who still professed desire that Israel should cease to exist as a nation.
Vince, were you protesting each day prior to the current bombardment when Hamas launched 6,000 rockets into civilian areas of Israel? Probably not. When Israel pulled completely out of Gaza the rocket attacks increased. When Israel agreed to create a state with 97% of the land the Palenstinians wanted we got the Intifada courtesy of
For the sake of discusion, Vince, what do you think the real long term solution is?
Clarke Hockwald - Ontario, California
It may take time for the people in Europe and the USA to realize that the way the State of Israel was created after the Second World War was fundamentally wrong.
This is the core reason for the problems playing in that part of the world for the last 60 years.
As long as the Governments of Europe and the USA do not realize this, we will see more war, terrorism and people killed.
This implies that for peace to come to that region, the State of Israel, as is now, must transform into a country with equal rights for Arabs and Jews.
Land and property violently and unlawfully confiscated from the original owners must be returned.
Palestinians now living in miserable circumstances in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and elsewhere must have the right to return to where they have been living for generations.
Vince Taylor-NY
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