Saturday, January 10, 2009

Like a Christian virgin.

The city of La Paz, in Baja California, Mexico is not escaping from the economic downturn.
Shops can be seen that are closed.
Many houses can be noticed with for sale signs.

Friend Esther, who has the most beautiful “Bed & Breakfast” in La Paz, called “El Angel Azul”, told she hardly has any guests.
While it is the high season.

And friend Don Rafaël, who buys cows from the ranchos to feed the animals fat before to sell them to the slaughterhouse, has stopped buying.
The reason is that the USA is not buying cows for hamburgers from Mexico anymore.
Therefore the Mexican market is overflowed with meat pushing down the price.
Don Raphaël can’t make money with his cattle.

The trailer park “Casa Blanca” in La Paz shows the economic recession as well.
There is only one trailer.
For the rest it is painfully empty.

Where will it go from here?
The economic crisis is far from over.
It will get worse.
There are now 11 million people without a job in the USA.
And this number will seriously increase in the months to come.

The worse the economy is doing in the USA, the deeper the poverty will go in Mexico.

Free and unregulated economy was propagated for the last 8 years.
The current situation is what that policy has resulted in.

Fortunately there is now a website where people can leave a goodbye-message to almost ex-President George W. Bush.
A remarkable website with hobbyist designs and drawings.

Meanwhile in La Paz, to uttermost surprise, discipline has been kept like a Christian virgin.
No forms of self-destruction executed or other condemnable actions taken.
Although one Coca Cola was consumed.
Writing and expressing in a posting the real personality before to go to town has helped to keep it perfectly under control.
Of course, now, many comments are expected from Preferred and other fervent and loyal blog readers giving compliments, appreciation and admiration for the strong character that has been demonstrated in La Paz.
However, last night there was a sudden wake up with screaming out of fear.
The dream was about a Frankenstein like person who sneaked in from behind with hands outstretched to strangle the protagonist to death.
Noticed in time, a jump away from the potential murderer saved the life.
But the screaming from fear did the wake up and immediately the thoughts were forced to think about the realistic and concrete things around.
To be instantly out of that nightmare.
And to immediately realize it was just a dream.

Meanwhile the digital wizard has managed to fix the most recent problem with the “Donation"-option on this blog.
When fervent and loyal blog readers click on this button now, they will travel to the USA-site of PayPal and find no more obstructions to promote to the most desired Preferred status of fervent and loyal blog reader.


The website to send the worst US-President ever a farewell message, click on:


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