It is four years ago that Angelito Gonzalez died.
Of kidney failure.

Angelito was the son of Gumaro and Lucretia Gonzalez.
Who had five children.
Juan Manuel, Norma, Christina and Ismaƫl are still alive and are all married now and having kids of their own.
Angelito was a nice boy.
And handsome too.
He left school early and came to work on the rancho.
In his early twenties he was a rather wild guy.
Sometimes drinking heavily and racing the dirt roads.
But later he calmed down.
Married the half sister of the wife of his older brother Juan Manuel.
They had two children.
Angelito and his small family lived in a small house in the hills behind the rancho of his parents.
Then he fell ill.
Angelito was diagnosed to have kidney problems.
Eventually it was decided he needed a kidney transplant.
The family sold land to have cash to pay for the operation.
And his sister Norma made one of her kidneys available.
They went to a hospital in Tijuana, at the border with the USA near San Diego.
The transplantation was not successful.
Angelito’s body refused to accept the sister’s kidney.
After this tragic failure he lived some time more.
Even made a new baby although they knew he would not live long anymore.
He had to take strong medication.
His body inflated tremendously and he looked like the Michelin man.
He died in his sleep.
This happened four years ago but the dramatic event still plays an important role in the life of the Gonzalez.
They still experience grief and deep sorrow.
Life never became the same for them anymore after Angelito’s passing away.
Today a priest is coming to the rancho.
In memory of Angelito, he will celebrate a Mass.
Between 20 to 50 people are expected.
After the Mass all will eat dinner.
Good food but no alcoholic drinks.
Later that day a Mass is celebrated in the church of the nearby small town of La Ribera.
Organised and attended by Angelito’s widow and her children.
Who are not coming to the rancho.
Once Angelito had passed away a conflict about the heritage arose between his wife and the Gonzalez family.
This has resulted in Angelito’s children never coming to the rancho.
And a serious void exists now between Angelito’s wife and the members of the Gonzalez family.
They don’t speak to nor see each other.
Everything is tragic about this story.
Except that the sadness and grief is respected and allowed to surface.
The emotions are experienced and shared by many people.
Making their lives more full, optimal and complete.
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