Monday, March 30, 2009

Let's go to Europe!

The situation has been changing drastically compared to the time when staying in the dry riverbed near the Sea of Cortez and the Gonzales family.

Now days are lived deep into the American society together with good friends.
Talking, discussing and dining.
And getting things done on the Fuso Szulc.

But now the serious travelling is starting.
Today the Fuso Szulc drives from Temecula to San Diego.
A two-hour journey.
Next, with a rented Porsche, from San Diego to Laguna Beach for lunch with a long time friend.
Then, from Laguna Beach to Los Angeles for dinner with another good friend.
While tomorrow the British Airways flight is booked to go to London and Amsterdam.

This results in excitement although many travels have been made already.
Each time it remains an adventure.

At the same time, in the left corner of the heart, there is nostalgia twirling.
Sentiments for the people, the dogs and the environment left behind less than 8 days ago.

Reports have reached the Fuso Szulc that the two best dogs Guante and Rocky who shared life in the dry river bed of Punta Boca del Salado so gallantly, are now sitting right on the spot where the Fuso Szulc was parked.
Waiting for a return.
This inspires the thought to cancel everything on the schedule and drive back immediately.
Because dogs are innocent.
They can’t understand what is going on.
Intolerable to let that happen and have them in this kind of confusion.

But returning to what once was is not in the dictionary.
It is never a step made in the approach of life this photographer is performing.
The head is always facing forwards.

There is much more that is left behind in Punta Boca del Salado.
More than any fervent and loyal blog reader can imagine.
Major situations in the personal life that have not been reported about in postings.
Because the fervent and loyal blog readers are not classified to know everything.

Nevertheless, it feels good to have left the situation with all its aspects experienced during the last five months.
To widen now the horizon and allow new and surprising events to happen.
To remember in a perspective, that puts it all in a more objective and balanced way.

The luggage has been packed.
The Fuso Szulc will be without an inhabitant for at least 4 weeks.
Maybe even longer.

Let’s go to Europe!


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