“Over smaak valt niet te twisten”.This means that you cannot argue about taste.
Because every person has his or her own taste.
There is not one general taste.
It may be though that a lot of people happen to like the same thing.
But that is still based on individual tastes.
For example: you may say that you like the colour blue.
However, your neighbour may say that she likes the colour green.
To live in peace, better not argue with her.
Or you may say you like pasta.
But your Japanese friend will say he prefers rice.
So better go with him to a Mexican restaurant.
Or you may say that you love the first symphony of Gustav Mahler.
While your lovely daughter says she is crazy about rapper Snoop Dogg.
Better get two iPods with headsets.
By now the fervent and loyal blog readers are prepared enough to be ready to read the following revelation:
this protagonist thinks that Michael Jackson is an idiot.
And so is his music.

Remember now that we agreed that about taste we cannot disagree.
You may be wild about Michael Jackson and although that is very sad and pitiful, it is your right.
And that gives the right to somebody else to not like Michael Jackson.
Last week, Michael Jackson, still enjoying a worldwide popularity, gave a press conference in London, UK.
He is 50 years old now and has been out of business for a while.
Most people will remember the different things he has been involved in.
And although opinion is low on him and his music, we do not need to repeat the nasty things that happened around Mr. Jackson.
Michael Jackson appeared in London last week on the press conference two hours too late.
The large room was filled with journalists and a few hundreds fans very much out of their minds.
Of course, it was all orchestrated to get maximum publicity.
No way Mr. Jackson was busy elsewhere explaining his late arrival.
It is a strategy to build up the tension and curiosity and it is a way to make one look important.
Once in front of the microphones and in the spotlights, Michael Jackson announced his farewell concert.
The very last time he is going to perform.
He will give 10 concerts in the 02 Arena, a sports stadium in London that can contain 20.000 people, in July 2009.
The man has not been performing for 12 years.
And his repertoire is old and dusty.
That’s why he said: “I’ll be performing songs my fans wanna hear”.
Well yes, he has no other songs…
His whole reputation circles around two or three songs.
Characterised by asthmatic sounds/hiccups at the end of each song line.
The London shows will be, according to the star himself, his final concerts.
That’s why they are called “This is it”.
But one must be a fool in combination with blindness and the lowest IQ-level possible to believe this is true.
Mr. Jackson has lots of problems.
One of them financial difficulties.
His come back now is a way to accumulate new capital to finance his extravagances.
And when more is needed, we will see “This is it two”.
The sad part is this:
still many people are crazy about Michael Jackson.
That’s possible: as we have agreed, about taste we will not argue.
But Michael Jackson, as a private person, has made himself so extremely doubtful and dishonourable, that he is the last one that should accept anymore to be a role model for all his fans.
But he still has this desire for big money to finance his extravagant life-style.
Michael Jackson simply ruthlessly milks his fans.
You redeemed yourself today. :)
But seriously, Michael Jackson is an "artist" in some sick sense of the word. And so are you! Some (many, most) people could say that you a little off your rocker too.
After all, don't you occasionally produce new works for what reason?
1. Money. It is a job, after all. He's doing the same thing--farming his fans to raise new cash.
However, that's pretty limiting. Unlike MJ, you are producing NEW works, not just reselling the same old ones from 20 years ago. Most importantly, as a TRUE ARTIST, you are producing new works not because you want to, but because you must! Which leads me to the next point.
2. A True Artist MUST express and create. This is part of your mental programming. If you don't create new works, you'll need to deaden the desires with drugs, sex and alcohol.
With MJ, I don't see him producing anything new. So he's been self-medicating his artistic desires with something else. That guy as "issues".
I never really cared for his music, but as a professional in the broadcasting and recording industry at the time, I had tremendous respect for the quality of recordings he produced and the success they had. "Thriller" remains to this day a "reference album" for calibrating recording studios.
But he's still an idiot.
Entire humankind is lost; not just M.Jackson!!!
---- Raj
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