It is intended for the Shia people.
Only a part of the population of Afghanistan.
This new law confirms what has been the religious traditions with Shia people for centuries.
The tradition that men have to be controlled very strictly because probably otherwise they will act like animals.
Take for example the aspect of the new law saying that a woman can only leave her house after she obtains permission from her husband.
And if she does get permission she has to be accompanied by a man.
This proves that the Shia have a community where it is not safe for women to go out on their own.
If they do without permission and unguarded the things that will happen to the women performed by men are presumably so terrible that a law must protect the vulnerable women.
Hence this law stops men from attacking women in the towns and villages of Afghanistan.
Because over there, presumably men are like animals unable to control their physical desires.
But the law does provide the option for men to act like animals within their home and marriage.
It offers them the option of marital rape.
They have obtained the legal right to have sex with their wives when they please.
If the woman refuses, she is eligible for punishment.
The rule is that a woman must allow a man to have sex with her with a minimum of once every four days.
Needless to say it is a pretentious law.
It presumes that the man of a married couple needs to have sex at least every four days.
Social research has made clear that a couple that is married and have the first years of sexual passion behind them, rarely have more often sex than once a week.
But the Shia in Afghanistan pretend they do almost twice as good.
There is another weird aspect to this law.
It is a one way law.
It guarantees the man sex with a minimum of every four days, but what about the woman?
What if Abdullah has not mounted his wife for over five days?
Can she complain also?
Go to the police and have Abdullah arrested to be flogged until he promises to do a proper job that very night?
No, fervent and loyal blog readers: this is not provided in the new Afghan law.
This new law legalises animalistic behaviour.
A man has a legal right to have sex even when his wife doesn’t want.
Hence, his physical desire, disconnected from emotions, affection and caring, is considered the most important.
But the fundamental flaw of this law is that it mixes religion with state.
Traditions and rules from a religion are made into law.
This always leads to extremes and conflicts.
To the dictatorship of the religious leaders.
Because the new law in Afghanistan has not much to do with Islam as coming from the Koran.
The ingredients of the new law are coming from men who make specific interpretations of the Koran.
Interpretations for their own benefit, comfort and sexual pleasure.
Each Government must do what they believe is the right thing to do.
Afghanistan is an autonomous country.
If they want to have sex every four days: they do have our blessing.
But Afghanistan declares herself a friend of Europe and the USA.
And asks not only huge amounts of money but military assistance as well.
These days there are soldiers from the USA and Europe who risk their lives and sometimes lose it to assist Afghanistan in becoming a true democratic, civilised and well organized country.
So how could they pass in Afghanistan this law opposing every ingredient of human rights and democracy?
Treating women as if they were lower than animals?
News reports say that when this law was presented in Afghan Parliament, many members who voted in favor of this law, were not aware what they were voting for.
Therefore, what kind of democracy is this we are supporting?
But the worst was the President of Afghanistan who signed the law into effect.
The flamboyant Hamid Karzai who always presents himself with his traditional coat around his shoulders as if a desert storm will soon start blowing inside the White House and who wears a flower pot on his head to hide his baldness.
Who always asks for huge sums of money by blackmailing that otherwise the Muslim Fundamentalists and the Taliban will overrun the world.
He said because of this new anti-women law:
“Key elements of the bill are misinterpreted by Western news organizations.
We understand the concerns of our allies and the international community. Those concerns may be due to an inappropriate, not-so-good translation of the law, or misinterpretation."
It is the old strategy of pretending the problem is with the opponents and criticasters.
To turn the whole thing around.
Because what is there to misinterpret when it says a woman cannot leave her house without the permission of her husband?
What inappropriate interpretation can one give to understanding such a simple rule?
This President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai is milking the West of money and soldiers.
And on the other hand allowing in his country enormous corruption and room for Muslim Fundamentalism.
Next time he comes to visit the White House, he must be told he can only leave when he gets permission.
And every four days he will be raped.
By Aunt Charlotte’s poodle.
In the meantime, while Karzai is absent from Afghanistan, we can install Dick Cheney as the temporary Governor with Karl Rowe as his assistant.
To make order in the Afghan mess.
If that is unacceptable, let’s forget about Afghanistan.
Too bad for the women there, but that country doesn’t deserve nothing from us.
Let’s leave them alone and have them cook their own soup.
As they prefer.
Or, and this has the very preference, apply the nothing for nothing strategy.
If Afghanistan wants things from us, we dictate and enforce terms.
Term one: respect your women.
Barack Obama called the new Afghan law “abhorrent”.
That’s not enough, Bar!!!
To learn more about the new Afghan law legalising marital rape, click on: