Thursday, April 16, 2009

In love for a second

Dress code is decided by the presence of water.
This is clearly noticed when coming to the coast of a country.
Once people get on the beach, it is commonly agreed one can take off most of the clothes.

But there is a fine line there.
If the car is parked a five minutes walk from the beach, can a person in a bathing suit walk that distance?
Showing a dress code appropriate for the beach in the street?
It is probably decided by how much it bothers the person in the bathing suit.
If one is rather shy or considerate, a change of outfit will take place on the beach.
If one doesn’t care, the street is paraded in a bathing suit.

In the small town of Nowy Sacz in Poland there is no sea.
It is in the very south of Poland near the Tatra Mountains.
So, when it is a sunny day, the people can’t go to the beach and get a suntan.
And feel free and happy in a bathing suit.

However, there is a river streaming through town and its banks are covered with bushes and trees.
Hiding what one could take for beaches.

The local population of Nowy Sacz has accepted the river and its banks as the territory where the dress code of the beach is applicable.
A person in Nowy Sacz cannot sunbath in a bathing suit in the local park.
But it is no problem along the river.

By coincidence the house of cousin Jerzek is very near that river.
And by coincidence cousin Jerzek has a gigantic dog.
A female German shepherd.
Who by coincidence needs a walk every day.
Along the river.
By coincidence taken for the walk by the visiting pioneering photographer who has established a relationship with Saba, the German shepherd.
Hence, by coincidence, the peaceful walker and the vicious dog see what is going on along the river in Nowy Sacz, Poland.

Nothing special, fervent and loyal blog readers.
Just boys and girls, men and women in bathing suits.
Enjoying the sun.
Sometimes the beer they brought.
Or each other.

Until yesterday on the path along the river this incredible beautiful girl was met.
She was dressed in only a bikini top and very tight hotpants.
Showing the hilly landscape south of the belly bottom that was perforated with these Pacific pearls.

Unfortunately a silly looking boy accompanied her and more devastating was that they were even holding hands.
This is the usual reaction to such an observation because always when a representative of the opposite sex is met who passes the audition, the banal but irresistible feeling rises to want to possess that particular crown of creation.
It is not clear immediately for how long.
Could be anywhere between 30 minutes and 30 years.
But the silly looking boy is in the way.

Yes, yes, sure, sure, this attitude and response is condemnable and trailer park trash behaviour.
Like one still living in a cave.
But nevertheless it does come up in the mind and elsewhere and the person suffering of it is helpless and vulnerable.
And until now incorrectable.

Returned to the home of the cousin, at the dining table, a graphic report was presented to the family.
How on the road next to the river this girl had been walking dressed to dance on the stage of a nightclub.
While the bank of the river, serving as the beach, was probably too far away to justify the dress code.

“Oh come on, cousin Michel, don’t be so conservative!” cousin Jerzek said.


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