And pictures were taken of the different stages of the building process.
To publish on this blog for all those enthusiasts concerned with expedition vehicles.
But yesterday the owner of the workshop, who is also the person who is building the sub frame, announced that the presence was “counter-productive”.
Therefore no more pictures.
Meanwhile a special friend from Mexico has been sending around an e-mail scrutinizing Al Gore.

Saying that he has a 20-room mansion (not including 8 bathrooms) heated by natural gas.
Add on a pool (and a pool house) and a separate guesthouse, all heated by gas.
In one month this residence consumes more energy than the average American household does in a year.
The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2400 per month.
In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home..

These facts are known for quite a while.
They have been repeatedly going around.
And one may ask why.
What sense does it make to repeat over and over again the information about the way Al Gore is living privately?
Isn’t the purpose to blur the message he is giving us?
To take away attention of his message?
Not to have to feel guilty for what he is saying?
To avoid to have to accept consequences in the own life.
Isn’t this killing the messenger because the news he brings is too hard to take?
Osho was telling people to lose their ego.
To become unattached.
Meanwhile he had a collection of Rolls Royce’s: his aim was to have one for every day of the year.
365 Rolls Royce’s.
This way of dealing with life had two kinds of responses.
One group of people were screaming and protesting.
How could a Guru preaching losing ego be so egocentric as wanting 365 Rolls Royce’s?
How could a Guru exploit his disciples so blatantly to use their money for excessive materialism?
The other group of people saw it in a complete different way.
Seeing Osho celebrate life.
Enjoying himself tremendously.
Having pure pleasure.
And not being a hypocrite.
This cannot be said of Al Gore.
When you inform people so effectively what is going on with the environment and you tell them to drastically change things for us to survive on this planet, you would expect the messenger to show an example.
This Al Gore does not.
His message is essential, vital and most important.
But what he shows as a role model for how to deal personally with the environment is condemnable.
And hypocritical.
Al Gore is like preachers in the church.
They instruct their flock to be faithful to their wives.
To their husbands.
While the married preacher himself fucks part time the conductress of the choir.
1 comment:
Why do you assume the derogatory email is true and accurate? Because you read it on the internet? A lot of this stuff is bogus lies in an attempt to derail the true message. What if Al Gore uses too much electricity? does that mean there's no such thing as global warming?
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