A plane build by British Aerospace in the UK.

Usually flying is a pleasant experience.
The plane takes off.
The plane flies.
The plane lands.
Nothing to worry about
But this time somehow there was fear in the mind.
Unpleasant thoughts of going to experience a plane crash.
Finishing life forever.
And indeed, it already started by the plane having a delay.
Because of technical problems.
That is a not a good thing.
It doesn’t build confidence in the passenger.
But eventually the BA Avro RJ 85 was considered air worthy and capable of flying.
Compared to a Jumbo jet, the interior of a BA Avro RJ 85 gives doubts whether actually it is a serious airplane.
It is small and it all looks like a persiflage.
That it is just a temporary thing that for the occasion will fly.
Of course these are silly considerations but what about all those strange noises that were heard when taking off then?
What about the engine power that during take off suddenly dropped?
It scared the hell out of the flying photographer who suffered of increased heart rhythm, sweating in the armpits and shoes while imagining his upcoming funeral.
Unfortunate was also that the passenger sitting next to the frightened fox was an older man not supplied with any spiritual nor physical attraction.
That was bad luck as it was the person with who the last moments of living would be shared.
From experience it is known that when a plane crashes, the passengers turn to each other.
To yell, cry and complain.
It is best to live the last moments in the presence of a goddess as that makes departing easier.
But that was not to be.
Once cruising altitude was reached, things normalised though.
The wings stayed in their correct place.
And the plane was flying forwards.
The breathing became more relaxed again and the heartbeat returned to 65.
Surprisingly, such a Mickey Mouse plane does a better job landing.
Dropping from the sky in a controlled way to end up surprisingly right at Brussels airport.
1 comment:
Ha ha..yes, much better to die in the arms of a goddess..may even be a re-birth!!
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