Numerous were the contributions that were send in to the latest riddle published on this blog.
The initials of the name of a person had to be found and the good job all did was finding the correct initials.
That was fine.
But next, all brave participants were wrong deciding which person was standing for those initials.
It was believed the initials were the ones of the name of the person responsible for this blog.
But alas.
That was a very wrong solution.
Why was it believed it would be that simple when a first grand prize was available of a mere $ 500?
The correct answer, guessed by not one promising participant, to the question for who the initials MSK were standing for, is Mohammad Sidique Khan.
A man born on October 20, 1974 in Leeds, UK.

He was the oldest of the four suicide bombers responsible for the July 7, 2005 bombings in London, UK.
Together with his comrades he detonated bombs on three London Underground trains and one bus in central London.
Mohammad Sidique Khan and his comrades killed 52 people and themselves.
Over 700 people were injured.
A few months later, on September 1, 2005 a videotape emerged featuring Mohammad Sidique Khan.
The tape was shown on Al Jazeera TV.
In this video Mohammad Sidique Khan says:
"I and thousands like me have forsaken everything for what we believe"
By now we know this is true.
But he also says:
"Your democratically elected governments continually perpetrate atrocities against my people all over the world. Your support makes you directly responsible. We are at war and I am a soldier. Now you too will taste the reality of this situation."
This way of thinking is a sample of many Mohammads.
And the point is that Mohammad Sidique Khan was not wrong in his statement.
If we seriously realize how the Palestinians on the Westbank and the Gaza strip are made to suffer worse than animals, a suffering sanctioned and supported by the USA, many Arab nations like Egypt, and sanctioned by the European Union, we are indeed directly responsible.
How can a person who identifies himself with the situation of the Palestinians not come to opposition?
Remember former President Jimmy Carter who visited the Gaza Strip and the Westbank and published soon after a shocking book describing the horrible situation in which the Palestinians have to live and describing how the Israelian Government and its allies are responsible for this.
This book was one big scream of a protest of a man who truly realized the atrocities perpetrated against the Palestinians.
President Jimmy Carter is a highly educated man who knows how to channel his anger and his indignation into adequate directions.
But a young man of 31 from Leeds in the UK easily sees himself as a soldier.
A warrior.
An ambitious savior.
And comes to believe in methods we may wonder a change and solution shall bring more close.
But one fundamental Mohammad Sidique Khan had right.
Atrocities are committed daily on the Westbank and the Gaza Strip and we are responsible.
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Mohammed Seif Khatib
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