Right above the bed on the ceiling in the Fuso Szulc a small clock is mounted.
So that the person laying in bed can see what is the time.
And the date and the temperature.

Then, this morning the conversation developed that we see the time on a digital clock while we have no clue how technically the device works.
And that this goes for many machines, tools and gadgets we use in these modern times.
Somehow the time is shown on a display.
Somehow an iPod contains hours of music.
Somehow a digital camera shoots brilliant pictures that are in focus and bright of colour.
Somehow a software program on a computer changes a tilted landscape to being exactly horizontal.
There has been a time that people knew how things worked.
But that is long ago.
Now, a simple non-technical person is surrounded day and night by machines of which the working is not understood.
Some years ago a nuclear power plant was photographed in Japan.
More particularly the activities of one nuclear engineer who worked in the control room.
It was amazing to hear him say that not one person in the nuclear power plant was completely aware how it was working.
Every engineer knew only a part of how the nuclear power plant worked.
And this may be the characteristic of the advancing technology.
It is becoming more and more independent.
An entity by itself.
Created by humans but having become that complex that everybody experiences that it works but that less and less people know how it works.
Science fiction writers have predicted long time ago that eventually technology will become our master.
And we humans their servants and slaves.
But one thing we know for sure.
No machine ever can write a blog like this.
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