In the past at El Triple, Baja California, Mexico, for washing the body a solar shower was used.
A large, black, plastic bag with on the top a wide opening to fill and on the bottom a hose with a shower head.
In the morning the solar shower is filled with ocean water and the bag is put in the sunshine away from the wind.
Late in the afternoon the water inside the solar shower is nice and warm.
The bag is hanged from a rock higher than the length of the person taking the shower.
And conveniently the body can be washed with comfortable warm water.
This is not exactly a luxury.
The temperature of the water of the Pacific Ocean these days is very, very low.
In fact, it is freezing the fragile body that was in the warm temperatures of 26º C /79º F outside the water.
The reason the Pacific Ocean is still that cold is the current.
In wintertime along the Baja California coast is a north to south current.
Cold waters from Alaska are brought all the way down.
But in Spring, a current starts to push warm water from Central America to the north.
This reverse of currents has not happened yet.
Still cold water is coming down from the north making swimming and bathing a cold enterprise.
But local fisherman Juaquin tells that any week now the reverse can take place.
So that the ocean water will become drastically warmer.
Are the inhabitants of the Fuso Szulc, located at El Triple next to the Pacific Ocean, therefore taking daily showers from the solar heated water system?
Or are they the bravest in the world demonstrating courage and toughness by diving in the high and strong waves of the ice cold Pacific Ocean daily?

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