Hardly ever they will notice a spelling mistake on this blog.
But to write “atvholes” while the correct spelling is “assholes” is a major mistake.
It is understandable this critical linguistic observation will flash through the minds of the always attentive fervent and loyal blog readers.
However, it is not a spelling mistake at all.
It is a word that was newly created.
It stands for people who drive ATV’s in an irresponsible way.
An ATV is a motorbike but has 4 wheels.
A one-cylinder engine of 600 to 900 cc powers it.
Running on gasoline and not having a catalytic converter.
Often an ATV has four-wheel drive and some even power steering and a built-in GPS system.
They sell from $ 3.000 to $ 9.000. (2.000 to 6.000 Euros).
The southeast coast of Baja California, Mexico, is a beautiful area.
It has a fantastic climate, a gentle sea and wonderful sandy beaches.
Over the last 20 years there has been an influx of mostly Americans who have built holiday houses close to these beaches.
Many of those Americans bring with them their American lifestyle and their ATV’s.
Their attitude is that to go somewhere, transportation must be used.
It does not come up in their minds that another option exists.
To use the two legs and walk.
These “atvholes”, as they are called, use the pristine beaches as roads for their ATV’s.

Their concept of enjoyment is not to make a peaceful and health enhancing walk on the beach.
They believe it is fun to drive up and down the beach with an ATV.

Every day they cruise along the shore and have turned the beautiful beach in a highway.

This is a blatant demonstration of ignorance, stupidity and selfishness.
A beach is not just a heap of sand.
In fact it is full of life.
Many animals live there, like sand crabs.
They are crushed to death by the large tires of the ATV’s.
Their habitat is eliminated and terminated.
The beach is used by birds, like the pelicans, to land on and rest there for a while.
The noisy and dangerous ATV’s chase them away.
In this part of the world large sea turtles crawl onto the beach, look around, dig a hole and lay hundreds of eggs.
ATV traffic scares them away and if eggs are in the sand of the beach, they will be crushed to oblivion when an ATV drives over the nest.
ATV’s use gasoline, a fossil fuel that is running out, and the ATV pollutes the environment with its exhaustion gases destroying the ozone layer and contributing to fatal climate change.
In the context of what we know about the situation with humans and the earth, it is totally irresponsible to thoughtlessly use polluting vehicles just for the personal fun.
In spite of this all, adult people who know how wrong it is, refuse to compromise one inch of their own personal pleasure and continue to drive happily on their ATV along the beach.
What a fun it is and screw the world.
A most amazing thing that can be seen is people who have dogs and give a whole new dimension to the concept of walking their pet.
How a dog loves to run.
On a beach it is paradise for the dog, maybe even taking a dive into the warm water.
Bad luck for the dog in case the owner has an ATV.
These vicious vehicles are equipped with platforms and baskets where the dog is forced to sit.
Walking the dog means driving with the ATV on the beach with the dog in the passenger seat.

Near Punta Boca del Salado are huge dunes.
Many “atvholes” believe it is fun to race up and down those dunes.
Again, what is managing to grow there is crushed to death by the wheels while the fuel used and the pollution made contributes to the worldwide disaster we are facing.
It is totally irresponsible behaviour giving the personal fun the highest priority while very well knowing the negative effects.
Not only are dogs walked by ATV, fishing is also an activity for which an ATV is used.
A person living in balance with nature walks to the beach and fishes from one spot.
Not so the aggressive “atvholes”.
They load their vehicles with fishing gear and race on the beach along the coast until they spot some activity in the water to stop and fish.
Again, this pollutes, uses unnecessarily fossil fuel, destroys the beach and depletes the amount of fish.
But Mr. Atvhole can’t care less.
In Mexico it is the law that when driving an ATV, one is obliged to wear a helmet.
Do not imagine that even one of the “atvholes” respect this law.
It is people as these “atvholes” who are the deplorable world citizens.
They are well informed enough what is going on but they decide nevertheless to give their own personal and trivial interests the highest priority no matter what are the consequences.
They could have another attitude.
Living here in this beautiful part of the world, they could involve themselves in positive and constructive activities that do not damage the earth.
Like cleaning the beach in front of their pompous houses.
Or, like they do in Los Cabos, organize themselves to protect the sea turtle nests.
And improve their health by walking and exercising.
More and more it is becoming clear that time is running out.
The way people live in developed countries is unsustainable, selfish and irresponsible with the price of the burden paid most heavily already by fellow human beings in other parts of the world.
There has to be change and it starts here, now and for every individual.
The “atvholes” must change into “holists”.
Only thing I can say is "AMEN"
Unbelievable! Michael, thanks for this article and the pictures that demonstrate what assholes they truly are. Judy
Boca Del Salado has suddenly become an undesireable place to visit.
I wouldn't have believed this if I had not seen your photographic evidence.
Ugly Americans, indeed.
I don't see how the actions of the atvholes differ from you driving your rv in the dirt and sand...
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