Now that Enrique is 71 years old, his son together with his brother is running the workplace where trucks are fixed.
Maurizio is a beautiful young man of 25 who makes one think of that fantastic song:’El muchacho con los ojos tristes”.
Ni una simple sonrisa,
Ni un poco de luz en sus ojos profundos.
Ni siquiera reflejo de algun pensamiento
que alegre su mundo.
Hay tristeza en sus ojos hablando y callando
y bailando conmigo
Una pena lejana que llega ami alma
y se hace cariño
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Vive solo y necesita amor
Como el aire necesita verme
Como a él solo necesito yo
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Ha encontrado al fin una razón
Para hacer que su mirada ria
Con mis besos y mi gran amor
Ni su nombre conozco,
y ya quiero volver a encontrarmelo a solas,
Y en sus ojos de otoño,
dormir poco a poco
olvidando las horas.
Yo pretendo saber porqué extraña razón,
hoy sus ojos no rien.
Yo prentendo lograr,
con ternura y amor ver sus ojos felices.
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Vive solo y necesita amor
Como el aire necesita verme
Como a él solo necesito yo
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Ha encontrado al fin una razón
Para hacer que su mirada ria
Con mis besos y mi gran amor
El muchacho de los ojos tristes
Vive solo y necesita amor
Como el aire necesita verme
Como a él solo necesito yo
Well, Maurizio cannot be the man described in Jeanette’s song because he is married to a girl working as a salesperson at a swap meet and is waiting to see her pregnant.
But he could be.
The job he was going to do was to take off the 4 U-bolts that hold the front part of the camper box of the Fuso Szulc to the Mitsubishi Fuso chassis.
Next, he was to weld off the steel bar that is sideways underneath the front of the camper box.
Followed by mounting rubber blocks on the steel bar and putting it back.
Weld it again against the bottom of the camper box and replace the 4 U-bolts.
Sounds like a pretty simple job, no?
Actually, it is.
But as always unexpected surprises came on the way of Maurizio but with his great talent of improvisation and technical skills he found adequate solutions.
Eventually, the job took from 8 am to 6 pm.
10 hours of intensive work.
And a lot of chatting because after Maurizio felt confident with the photographer, and this took him a while, a team in life and work was temporarily coming into existence.
Together the different stages of the job were discussed and ideas from both sides were the input for the fabulous solutions.

Is the problem fixed now?
One thing the Fuso Szulc project has learned is that we never know.
The approach is that the rubber blocks and the U-bolts will be closely observed for the time to come.
To see how it is holding out.
It might need additional work later.
Maybe bigger rubber blocks.
But friend Maurizio will be happy to take care of that.
There's a book titled "Into the Wild" that you should read. It's about an extremely adventurous young man that goes into the Alaskan wilderness totally unprepared and ends up starving to death.
Many truck frames are made of low alloy high strength steel that can become extremely brittle if welded without the proper preheat and post heat treatment.
I hope yours isn't one of them.
The fix sounds good, hopefully the last chapter in mounting of the camper box. Someday I hope to use your lessons learned to mount my own Fuso/camper, thanks, Robert
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