Thursday, November 29, 2007

Back in the USSA.

Tijuana, the vast disaster of a city on the border with the USA just south of San Diego, is considered one of the most dangerous places in Mexico.
Many murders, robberies and any crime imaginable happening every minute of the day.
It is a city out of control in many ways.
Traffic jams, heavy pollution, serious poverty, corrupt police and more decay everywhere.

It is an understatement to say that it was a challenge to enter this version of hell with the Fuso Szulc trying to reach the Consulate of the Republic of China.
So, Tijuana had to be outsmarted.
No way the Fuso Szulc was going to enter the city asking people directions how to get in that complex, hectic and dangerous metropolis to the Chinese Consulate.

Near the city centre the highway was exited and within a few minutes a waiting taxi in front of a hotel was spotted.
The driver was flagged over and instructed to guide the Fuso Szulc to the exact place of the Chinese Consulate.
The man was happy to get the job: he charged $ 10. (6,77 Euros).
It took more than 45 minutes to get there.
It was like a sightseeing tour of the city.
With the slow driving taxi in front, it was an excellent way to get a good impression of this hell on earth.

The Chinese Consulate is in a diplomatic part of town where the more wealthy people hide in beautiful houses behind fences and electrical wires.
The Fuso Szulc was parked in front of the impressive building of the Chinese Consulate that opened 15 minutes later.
All the necessary documents were handed over to a kind Chinese person and the visa to be able to enter China was ready 3,5 hours later.
Costing $ 60 (40 Euros)

Next stage in the expedition was to cross the border into the USA.
In former postings of this blog the border crossing between Tijuana and San Diego has already been described.
Fervent and loyal blog readers therefore know it is a total mess there.
The traffic jam of cars trying to get into the USA starts already on the Avenida de los Heroes right in the centre of Tijuana.
It was taking more than one hour to reach a boot with an Immigration Officer.

It had been observed already that the Immigration Officer of the line in which the Fuso Szulc was moving like a turtle had been having problems with border crossing people.
Sending their cars back because they were too close to his boot and making everybody wait for no good reason as a very unhealthy demonstration of unnecessary machismo.
An obese man walking like a duck obviously having psychological problems.

He refused the driver of the Fuso Szulc entrance to the USA after a short interrogation.
Shouting and ordering like he was a prison ward dealing with some mass murderer.
His reason for refusing entry was that too many times the USA had been visited without having been back to the Netherlands.
He claimed that one could come from Europe to the USA but one had to go back to Europe before being able to visit the USA again.

How to argue with such an idiot?
Impossible and potentially dangerous.
The consequences of starting a debate can be very serious.

The Fuso Szulc received shouted orders to go to Secondary Inspection.
There a most friendly Immigration Officer was met who was prepared to listen to the situation of the visitor.
And without a problem a visa was issued to visit the USA.
A most pleasant experience because of the politeness and expertise of the Immigration Officer.

Now life is in the USA until the flight to China on December 7th.
Surrounded by good and dear friends.
Fixing the current issues of the Fuso Szulc:
  • the blown up solar charge controller,
  • the faulty water pump,
  • the failing back up lights and camera.

And to have a Café Latte with a chocolate chip cookie in a Starbucks Café reading the Los Angeles Times.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the US...and welcome back to L.A.'s so important much is going on us now...whadda mess...