It is busy at shopping plazas.
But the people are not walking away with goods bought in the shops.
They come back to the shops with presents they have received during the celebration of Christmas.
To change them.
Or maybe get a reimbursement.
In front of customer care desks in department stores long lines of people can be seen waiting to get rid of the unwanted presents.
A hilarious sight.
But also it makes a healthy man wonder what kind of madness is going on.
First people drive in their gasoline slurping SUV’s to shops to spent money on presents they believe the receiver will like.
Some time later the one who got the present drives in another gasoline slurping SUV to the shop to get the money back.
In this way everybody is happy.
Money goes around and creates employment.
But what is the toll paid by nature and its limited resources and fragile state?
Very high.
Maybe not noticeable too much yet.
But ask when the time comes the answer to the great-grandchildren.
And feel deeply ashamed when having to admit to have lived as an irresponsible lunatic having destroyed an earth once so beautiful.
On the right side a fervent and loyal blog reader stands up and cries:
‘Why are you such a party pooper?”.
Most people had a wonderful Christmas celebration, enjoyed each other’s company and loved giving and receiving gifts.
This is true.
But only for those among us who close their eyes for an enormous amount of indications that the way we live is devastatingly destructive.
The point is that many people do not know anymore how to enjoy life in a simple way.
Without being extravagant in spending, consuming and wasting.
They consider their way of living as normal and an acquired right.
Their extravagancy is accepted as the norm.
The wheat needed to make sufficient biofuel to run a Range Rover for one week feeds the population of an Afghan village for one year.
How beautiful was the blessing to have been in China during Christmas.
Where not one Santa Claus present was purchased nor received.
But where three days ago the most beautiful 23-year-old woman Zhang Xin Wei was met.
Who said:
“In school with my friends we are all singing together.
And I can sing those songs very well.
Which makes me the most beautiful person in the world”
A statement that made a deep impression.
For its simplicity and honesty.
To be beautiful because of singing together with friends.
To find joy and happiness in that activity.
Not needing any biofuel.
“Can I have a picture with you and Lydia?”, asked Zhang Xin Wei, second from the left:

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