Next, they put these young animals in a box.

Where the locked up calf won’t see his mother ever anymore.
Where it cannot move or even lie down.
Where it gets food mixed with chemicals.

To be killed after a couple of months.
And why all this cruelty?
Because certain people like to eat veal.
White meat.
Not thinking one second what the animal has been going through.
In nature are butterflies.

Winged animals of often tremendous beauty.

That fly around freely, land on flowers and eat honey.
Not thinking one second what the human being has been going through.
California passed Prop 2 the last election.
This takes affect in a couple of years to give agriculture
time implement the law. There are some hefty fines for non compliance.
Prop 2 creates a new state statute that prohibits the confinement of farm animals in a manner that does not allow them to turn around freely, lie down, stand up, and fully extend their limbs.
So many people love their pet dogs, cats, fish, rabbits, snakes, iguanas etc etc etc and yet they are does one explain this??? You either love all life or you don't. This is selective, comfortable and convenient killing, even worse than racism.
Amen Raj.
Ted, Prop 2 does not go far enough.
Michel, thank you for bringing attention to this barbaric practice. And this is just the tip of the iceburg.
If one insists on eating meat, they now have the choice to buy free range animals that at least lead a semi-normal life up until the day they are transported to the slaughter house. And they, of course, are a whole other subject for a posting!!
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