It is called “Sequences: the ultimate selection” and will contain a large selection of work made in the 70’s and 80’s.
A major part will be sequences never published or exhibited before.

These days the preparations are under way to open a special website where already the book “Sequences: the ultimate selection” can be purchased.
A special art-edition will be available as well.
Made in a limited edition of 25 it comes in a special cover, signed and numbered and it has a limited edition specially printed museum quality original sequence.
This will sell for € 250 plus shipping and handling.
However, it is realized that € 250 means for an American customer $ 351.
Virtually, the American pays 40 % more due to the exchange rate.
This based on the fact that an American makes $ 20 an hour working at Albertson’s and a European makes € 20 working in a Champion.
Therefore a special pricing has been designed.
Similar to the way Apple has been selling their products.
They offer their computers for let’s say $ 1500 on their American website and the same computer for € 1500 on their European websites.
Of course buyer must be based in the country where the purchase is made to avoid Europeans buying by mail in the USA.
For the book “Sequences: the ultimate selection” the pricing is 15 copies selling for € 250 and 10 copies selling for $ 250.
But those 10 copies can only be bought by Americans.
Once those 10 copies are sold out, an American can still buy a copy of the special art-edition of “Sequences: the ultimate selection”.
But it will cost € 250 = $ 351
This courtesy presented to the American collectors and lovers of sequences costs money.
The 25 copies of the special art-edition of “Sequences: the ultimate selection” can be all sold for the € 250 price no problem.
So, the current pricing in Euros and US Dollars lowers the turnover by € 728 or $ 1026
Hence: it is a gesture.
A reverence of a gentleman.
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