The first night in the guesthouse of the spiritual movement Hare Krishna was not exactly in Nirvana and definitely far away from Shangri-La.

Reason the mosquitoes in the spacious guestroom desperate for blood from the long distance traveller.
It was so bad that sleeping was out of the question.
At midnight the efforts were stopped, clothes put on and in the neighbourhood a small shop was visited to buy mosquito coils.
However, even this was not effective.
The buzzing creatures kept on coming with a preference to get stuck in the ear of the sleeper creating there a tremendous noise like in a dentist office.
Eventually, a tent was built of an extra sheet above the head.
And the large wind fan of the ceiling put on its highest speed.
Lying on the bed like an Egyptian mummy at 50 miles an hour.

This more or less guaranteed a couple of hours of sleep.
Until at 4.30 AM the spiritual chanting of the Hare Krishna Temple was waking up any unaware sleeper.

Today the first day of approaching people asking if they think they are the most beautiful.
It is a slow process and not easy at all.
But one candidate has been found and documented.
bonitas fotos,saludos desde espaƱa
Thank you, Michel, for sharing the pictures of the Hare Krishna palace. I love the arches in the first phicture. I do hope to see more pictures of your surroundings. Good luck with your project there and those nasty nibblers. Maybe a net would help. I bet you miss your good bed. Glad you are feeling better.
How wonderful the photos how dreadful the mosquitos! I wish you lots more beautiful work and insectless nights ahead. Terry
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