He is a warmonger.
He is a war criminal.
He destroyed the American and the world economy.
He worked against peace in the world.
He sabotaged all global efforts to protect the environment denying there was a climate crisis and refusing to sign international agreements.
He did everything possible to have a few make a lot without having consideration what are the costs for the lower and now middle class incomes, for the world and for the environment.
The man and his administration have been a devastating and total disaster.
For the United States most particularly.
And he continues his disastrous policies even in his last days in office.
Now Bush has sided with the National Mining Association.
This organization represents companies that are involved in open pit mining.

In the Appalanches Mountains and elsewhere in the USA these mining companies want to access coal reserves by blasting off whole mountaintops.

To dump the resulting debris consisting of chemicals, rocks and sand into mountain streams.

The Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, an official USA Government institution,
at least twice previously has said discarding debris into streams can violate the Clean Water Act and will kill wildlife.

It came to this conclusion once in a 2006 study and again in a legal filing.
This stopped mining companies to get permits to do their destructive work.
But now, miraculously, ignoring its own scientific study, the Environmental Protection Agency EPA said on Tuesday that dumping debris from coal mining into mountain streams doesn't conflict with the Clean Water Act anymore.
Why Environmental Protection Agency EPA changed its stance remains a mystery.
They won’t tell or explain.

Environmental Protection Agency EPA approval was needed before the Department of the Interior, under Secretary Dirk Kempthorne, could finalize the rule before Bush leaves office next month.
The Environmental Protection Agency EPA reversal clears the way for a new Bush administration rule that critics call a gift to mining interests.
This is a terrible thing.
The Bush rule-change allowing suddenly mining companies to blast mountains will be in effect by the time Barack Obama takes office.
Overturning Bush’s recent decision would require starting the rulemaking process all over again, which could take years and prompt legal challenges.
In the meantime, the mining companies can go ahead and have their ball.
There are two sides to this story.
One is that making money has been allowed by the Bush Administration without paying much attention of the consequences.
But the other side is even more serious.
The United States is supposed to be a democratic country and pretends to be a shining example for the rest of the world to follow.
But Bush has been demonstrating it is in fact a banana republic where a dictator-like puppet will do anything, violating many democratic principles, to guarantee a few the material privileges they paid him for.
There are many decent and democratic people living in the United States.
For them it is the hardest.
To see their Government act like bandits and criminals.
Soon this will end.
But of the legacy many people will suffer for years to come.
Bush should be put on trial.
To be condemned to clean for the rest of his life polar bear’ droppings on the North Pole.
This has to be the best post yet!
And Dick Cheney must be condemned to pick up the droppings of pinguins on the south pole for the rest of his life.
Donald Rumsfeld to pick up forever the droppings of the rats in Iraq.
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