walking to an auto parts store to get another necessary addition to the fuso szulc.
an important unevenness in the pavement was not noticed.
resulting in falling down.
the arms were stretched to absorb the fall.
the right hand did well: landed on the sand.
the left hand hit a sharp metal object protruding from the ground.
penetrating deeply into the palm of the hand.
getting quickly up a large wound was seen.
blood started to pour out.
although no pain whatsoever was felt, it was realized this wound needed professional medical attention.
too big of a wound to get away with a band-aid.
losing too much blood and that had to be stopped.
therefore immediately a run was made for good friend javier.
in his nearby workplace.
his son is champion of karate of baja california and javier is a no nonsense guy.
he saw the bloody hand, gave a plastic bag to catch the blood and with the victim he raced in his old pick up truck to a la paz private hospital.
where immediately general surgeon dr enrique guzman was available to demonstrate his skills.
the wound was cleaned and injected with anesthesia.
stitched up and wrapped in bandage.
a nurse shot a tetanus injection in the bum.
medication was given to control the pain and anti-biotica because the la paz streets are not very clean.

now life is with one hand.
and with pain because it is refused, because of the side effects, to take this metamizol sodico monohidratado.
keeping the hand high, above the heart, is the best.
and doing the things like preparing breakfast, as a physically challenged person.
dr guzman recommended to take two days off.
to relax and remain quiet.
therefore return to el triple is postponed.
why did this happen?
for many years the streets of la paz have been walked.
and it is very well known they are dangerous for the uneven payment.
drops have been made before.
this is unavoidable when preferring to walk in this town.
but this time it was unlucky and with consequences.
what can be seen though is that as of one week a series of unusual events have been taking place.
all of them challenging, difficult and seemingly pushing in directions never desired.
yes, much control over life is lost these days.
there was the hurricane that forced departure from el triple last monday.
interrupting a beautiful and constructive time with a healthy and healing lifestyle.
then the macbook was cleaned with a slightly wet napkin and now the keyboard stopped working.
next the larger logitech keyboard had in the night, coming from the seiki roof window, condensation water dropped on it and stopped working also.
and then there is this person totally unknown until recently with who a communication came into being that is on the one hand very wonderful, but on the other hand deeply impacting.
resulting in a serious self confrontation not experienced for a very long time.
this week the work on the fuso szulc went in a difficult way.
everything ran into complications.
nothing went easy.
return to el triple had to be postponed each day as the work on the fuso szulc was not getting accomplished.
just before the fatal walk in the uneven streets of la paz, there was a conversation with javier.
expressing that a strong feeling of frustration was felt.
frustration that work on the fuso szulc was not going easy and well.
frustration that computer and keyboard broke down.
frustration about a hurricane.
frustration that the desire to meet and talk in person with the new friend who came so definitely into life is for now not possible.
frustration about not being able to return to el triple and the lifestyle there so much loved.
for sure life got out of balance.
resulting in a bloody fall.
so now the question is, how to live life again like a beautiful angel.
above the uneven streets.
sorry to see this pal. this is a bad period as far as the transit of planets is concerned. will start improving after sep 10. wish you a speedy recovery from a fellow taurean. cheers!!
"on the one hand very wonderful, but on the other hand deeply impacting" And the metaphorical becomes literal in this case. Yes, the universe is telling you to slow down and take stock. Clearly, you are intended to stay right where you are and to spend time with yourself and not the computer. Why not take a day off from all outside communication? To reflect & meditate.
You have to just chill out and go with the flow. There's no hurry to get back to the country. the Fuso will be done when the Fuso is done, eh??
The hand could have been worse - I cut my thumb off once and it was in a cast for 6 weeks.
Heal quickly and well.
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