Because years ago it was found out that regularity helps to be healthy, happy and in balance.
Hence, every day at the same time is rising, breakfast, working session, swimming in the ocean, lunch, siesta, walk, reading, yoga, running, bathing, dinner and sleeping.
It gives a structure to the situation of complete freedom.
It is true that when in absolute freedom, with no obligations, appointments and commitments, one could sleep and eat and work and do activities as one pleases.
Just like animals do: 100 % living by impulse.
But we are not schnauzers nor poodles.
Regularity suits most of us best.
This is why the walk after the siesta was made yesterday at the usual hour.
Now that tropical storm Marti has passed by, the weather has calmed down.
It is also new moon so the ocean retreats far back leaving nice hard sand to make a comfy walk along the water.
Hardly wind, a temperature of 29 º C (84º F) and a very good mood.
Because with the Queen of Dreams beautiful energy is created.
Then, vultures were seen grouping around an object washed ashore.
Closer by, it turned out to be a giant sea turtle.

Peculiarly enough, one mile north, another giant sea turtle.
Dead as well.
Both washed ashore.
Large animals.
Of a considerable age.
Was this sad?
Two more endangered species lost?
Reasons to feel hopeless?
The question was asked how these two animals had found dead.
Obviously it had been a couple.
Of one, the vultures already had managed to get turtle eggs out of the body.
And the other giant sea turtle was slightly larger.
So, conclusion was it had been Mr and Mrs Giant Sea Turtle we presume.
Somehow they died together.
This fact excluded that they died of old age.
Also, the female still producing eggs made understand, although huge animals, they were not that old.
Hence, something caused their death.
A specific reason.
Sometimes the fishermen operating from a fishing camp south from El Triple fish with long and large nets.
An illegal method of fishing but this is a boondock area.
On the fish market of La Paz it will not be explained how the catch was made.
Fishing with large and long nets is illegal because it catches anything that comes into it.
That includes dolphins, seals, whales and turtles.
Who die by drowning.
Caught in the net they can't get to the surface to breath.
Later, the fishermen find the animals, take them out of the nets and leave them in the ocean.
Because they have no commercial value.
If they would offer a sea turtle on the fish market, they would get arrested.
Over the last week the tropical storm Marti has been passing by.
Stopping the local fishermen of putting their boats into the ocean and fish.
They are therefore probably not responsible for the killing of the two giant sea turtles.
A lead might be that over the last two days, because of the tropical storm Marti, the wind has been from the south.
Making all kinds of objects float to and land on the El Triple beach.
Far out on the Pacific Ocean, impossible to see from the El Triple coast, more fishing is going on.
By large fishing boats from countries like South Korea and Russia.
They fish as they like.
No regulations.
Most likely they are responsible for the death of the two giant sea turtles.
It is making sad to see beautiful and innocent animals like giant sea turtles dead on the beach.
Not only because they died.
On top of that they are catalysts.
They make any sane and reasonable person wonder what the hell we human beings are doing to the animals of our planet.
Just spoiling and destroying them as if tomorrow we can buy new ones in God's supermarket.
While we are sophisticated in many ways.
But unable to chose to develop a method to fish without killing giant sea turtles.
Hola everybody, I am Michel's friend , and he wants me to say that he has no Internet Sistem , he is not going to be able to publish his daily stories in this blog for at least two weeks.
Hola Everybody, I am Michel's friend, and he says his Internet System is not working , and he is not going to publish his daily stories for at least two weeks.
I am Michel's friend and he says he is not going to publish in this blog for at least 2 weeks, he has no Internet system
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