Hurricanes are very unpredictable and its course can change any moment.
Deciding about destruction and death.
Jimena eventually passed in front of the Pacific coast at a distance that it did bring rain and wind to La Paz.
But not too much.
Without causing destruction and devastation.
Hardly any tree was blown over and the amount of water was relatively minor.
However, not too far north of El Triple, where the Fuso Szulc had its camp, hurricane Jimena made landfall and left a large area destroyed and devastated.
In Matancitas (Lopez Mateos) almost 90% of the structures were brought down and are severely damaged.
All water, power, telephone, etc. are out.
In the town of Ciudad Constitucion, where the magical swimming pool is, most of the roofs of the houses are gone.
There is severe damage to 70% of the buildings.
Also there, power, water, telephones are out.
In Loreto, the town on the Sea of Cortez to the north, all power and telephone is off because the cables came down due to the poles blown over.
Fallen trees and buildings are blocking the streets.
In Mulege, all power, telephone, water, etc. are out.
The water crested three feet above the bridge that crosses the river.
Water was two feet deep in the fire station.
Almost the entire town was flooded.
There has been reports of loss of life.
At Punta Chivato the report came that the wind was over 100 mph before the indicator broke.
Damage was to almost everything.
In the mining town of Santa Rosalia a wall of water came down the canyon and through the town.
It washed cars and everything else from the streets into the Sea of Cortez.
It was not only a good decision to find shelter in La Paz.
But luck and favoritism there were granted by being located in a more soft margin of the cruel hurricane.
The only thing that really happened with the Fuso Szulc was that the day after the hurricane came by, the expedition vehicle got stuck in the mud.
A tractor tried to pull it out and got stuck itself.
A larger tractor came, but was not powerful enough.
Eventually, a large tow truck came with a huge winch but was unable as well.
In the end, the tow truck assisted by a powerful pick up truck got the Fuso Szulc back on the paved road.

Now THAT is stuck!
You should have let someone else make the photos and be in the pictures. This was your action. I wanted to see you at wheel in the truck...
And how exactly did this happen, I'd like to know. Looks distinctly like you were driving where driving is not supposed to happen. Were we a bit overconfident in the FS's 4 wheel drive?
It ihappened because the owner of the traler park directed the Fuso Szulc to take that exit from his property. Not realizing that underneath what looked like a dry and hard surface, was more than one meter of swamp.
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