To create more understanding to know what really happened and how.
It was the pedestrian pavement that at the particular spot was uneven.
In La Paz the city doesn't make the pavements in front of the houses.
The people themselves do this.
And in the way they like.
Some make them high.
Some make them low.
And some don't make one at all.
This means that a pedestrian must always, continuously look down where to put the feet.
Sometimes they need to be lifted up to reach a higher level.
Sometimes a lowering of the footl`evel must be anticipated.
It is remembered from last Friday that when walking a switch was in the hand that needed to be replaced in the electronic shop.
It was looked at to study what exactly was wrong with it.
Right at the spot where a higher level of pavement started.

This is how the left foot was not raised high enough and got blocked by the higher level of pavement.
This resulted in falling down although obviously it was tried to avoid this`.
By quickly putting the right foot forwards.``
Several steps were made but nevertheless the body went flat to the ground.
That an effort was made to avoid falling can be concluded from the fact that the beginning of the higher level of pavement where the foot got blocked is quite a distance from where the left hand came down and was pierced.
The object that pierced the hand is a tap.
From which the handle was taken off from stopping people to take water without permission.
A tap without a handle has therefore a vertical pin sticking upwards.
It was on this pin that unfortunately the hand landed.

Now life is in fear.
Because over the last week events have been happening that were unwanted.
Or were difficult.
Or that were having strong impacts.
Or that were very dangerous.
Or that were damaging.
A stream of events.
And the question that is constantly asked is if the series of dramatic events has ended or that more will come.
That the downward spiral surrounding the permanent pilgrim changes for an uplifting stream.
How can that be accomplished?
Must one simply wait it out, take more beating until it is over?
Must one do something drastic like leaving Mexico and go to Europe?
Or must one go to a church and do confession?
Some things are known about this matter.
Most important is not to be carried away by the bombarding events.
To remain centered.
Going into the event, as there is no other way, to next peacefully and harmoniously leave the event behind.
To be able to do this meditation is absolutely required.
To create time where undisturbed total inner silence can be achieved.
In total inner silence no explosions are heard.
Or come to India where all this happens all the time and you will get used to it, even develop immunity! Roads collapse and swallow trucks, stray dogs eat babies, every virus in the world fights for space, food is adulterated and over priced, the world's richest live next to the world's poorest, where copulation, defecation, birth and death happen next to each other, and so much more....... Can there be a more exciting or intimidating place on the planet??
Oh, but Michel, explosions in meditation CAN be heard, if beans and cabbage were consumed the night before!
Focus on all the things that are going good in your life. Then, the things that have gone bad recently, will come into true perspective.
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