Being high in the Himalaya mountains, the Tibetan people, close to the Gods, have obviously developed a superior way of believing and worshipping.
They have a spiritual leader who is called the Daila Lama.
Banned from China, he lives in the north of India.
What may come to an end is the way a new Daila Lama is selected.
It used to be that when the Daila Lama was getting old, enlightened Tibetan monks would go around in Tibet.
Visiting villages, meeting families to look and find this one extraordinary boy who had it in him to become the new Daila Lama.
The Chinese authorities want to stop this practice.
The way the Tibetans used to select a new spiritual leader came to mind over the last couple of days.
Because of school holidays about 15 children were at the Rancho Punta Boca del Salado.
Sons and daughters of family and of friends.
It was a happy time.
The children playing with each other, helping in the household and being sweet and nice.
No tears and no conflicts among them or with their parents.
One of the kids was a 5 year old girl called Alexandra.
Any Tibetan monk would have stopped his journey and prayers meeting Alexandra.
A girl with a tremendous aura.
Like an angel so delicate, frail and fragile.

Somehow Alexandra’s presence forced people to slow down.
To pay all the attention available to her.
Like a magnet she could naturally attract focus.
Just by being who she is.
One evening eating at the dining table in the kitchen of Ketcha.
A presence was felt close by.
Alexandra had quietly and unnoticed placed herself next to the person eating.
Simply smiling her harmonious and beautiful smile.
Waiting to be noticed.
When looking at her this deep connection was felt.
With her inner peace and harmony.
Talking with Alexandra was very different from usual conversations with kids of her age.
Somehow she decided how the conversation was going.
This was partly because of the way she looked at the person with her heavenly smile.
And partly because she would wait long times before to speak.
And then talk slowly as if each word was a gift from heaven to say.
Obviously Alexandra is a remarkable child.
Also the Gonzales family was impressed by her.
If someone is an angel, the ones longing for heaven easily recognize her as one of them.
The parents of Alexandra are beautiful and happy people.
One explanation for the uniqueness of Alexandra.
They are very sweet and understanding with her.
Respecting her and giving her the space to be who she is.

Alexandra fragility also shows in her physical appearance.
She has a kind of transparency.
Appearing to be a leave twirling in the wind.
The backside of her head is disproportionally large.
And she suffers of course of allergy.
Taking daily synthetic medication because her parents can’t afford the expensive homeopathic remedy.
Now Alexandra is back in Cabo San Lucas where she lives with her brother and parents.
But, as good angels do, she is with us here and now.
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