Four hours later dizziness damps the awareness too much and a visit is made to the kitchen of Ketcha to have a true cup of coffee.
Made in the Mexican rancho style.
Boiled freshly grained coffee beans.
With sugar, fresh cow milk and a chat.
Ketcha is at the age of 56 the oldest woman at the rancho.
Hence, a central figure.
With authority receiving huge respect.

But Ketcha, her real name is Lucretia, suffers of narrowing blood veins in the legs.
She has had a laser treatment recently that has not been very successful.
Being seriously overweighed, according to the doctor, the laser beams were not able to reach the veins as they are surrounded by too much fat tissue.
Ketcha has spent most of her lifetime standing in the kitchen taking care of the family.
Never doing sports or even walking.
And this on a high calorie Mexican way of eating.
Result is that Lucretia suffers of serious pains in her legs night and days.
This makes her sometimes in bad mood.
Hard to see humour when in such a situation.
Recently a muchacho by the name of Manuel Salvador came to the Fuso Szulc to make a phone call.
Many fervent and loyal blog readers will remember this vividly.
How he got in touch with his girlfriend while his horse escaped.
Yesterday this same Manuel Salavador was met at Alfredo’s house.
At the fence post was a killed falcon.
A bloody wound showing on its breast.
Before, it had been observed that Manuel Salvador was having a rifle under the saddle of his horse.
As one and one is two Manuel Salvador was asked if he was maybe the person who had shot that beautiful falcon.
Yes, he had, so he admitted.
He was asked what sense that made.
Manuel Salvador explained that he had shot the falcon by request of Ketcha.
She is keeping not only goats, but hens as well.
The falcon was going after the chicken and this had made Ketcha instruct Manuel Salvador to kill the bird.
But undeniably, Manuel Salvador loves to shoot birds.
In the canyon the other day, a beautiful owl was found.
Shot and very much dead.
That very day, earlier, Manuel Salvador had been spotted riding his horse in the same canyon.
Of course the visitor of the rancho in his Fuso Szulc is not in the position to lecture Manuel Salvador about his shooting habits.
But maybe some fervent and loyal blog readers will understand that next time Manuel Salvador comes to the Fuso Szulc to make a phone call, the Skype system is unfortunately out of order.
While having the delicious cup of coffee with Ketcha in her kitchen the shooting of the falcon was discussed.
She got very excited.
This approach of hysteria making a sense full discussion hardly possible.
Her point of view is that any animal threatening her chicken will have to pay the price of dying for it.
It was explained to Ketcha that we are only visitors here.
Guests of nature.
That falcons have been living here long before humans settled.
So we should behave nicely towards them.
Ketcha could only look in a most cynical way to this view.
She asked what she could do else to protect her chicken besides killing the attackers?
It was explained that there are these wind spinners.
Multicoloured turning in the wind.
It was proposed to get a bunch of these things and place them everywhere around the rancho where the chicken and hens were wandering.

Because it is always windy the falcons wouldn’t dare to come close fearing those moving and flashing wind spinners.
This intelligent proposal gave Ketcha one of the best moments of her day.
She laughed tears on her cheeks imagining the rancho decorated with these silly objects.
Becoming serious again she also mentioned the terrible dog Gorba.
That he will be killed as well.
Gorba is waiting to be transported to another rancho.
This is delayed and delayed.
Meanwhile the saint-like photographer is using all his authority and reputation with the Gonzales family to stop them executing the dog.
So again, effort was made to calm down Ketcha and explain that for the moment the dog was tied up securely and that soon he will leave the rancho.
To buy time while hoping that friend Erick comes soon with his truck to take the terrible Gorba away.
Having a coffee at Rancho Punta Boca del Salado is rather different from having one in a Starbucks.
1 comment:
"Having a coffee at Rancho Punta Boca del Salado is rather different from having one in a Starbucks."
This is the understatement of the year! Thanks for that laugh.
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