The modem, by itself, has made disappear its registration.
The site ID.
Making it impossible to access the Internet.
This is the second trick the modem is playing in a few days.
First, by itself, it changed the longitude of the satellite sabotaging Internet connection.
When that was fixed, the modem decided to become more serious and eliminated its identification.
There is no explanation for this attitude of the modem.
Even the expert, Mitch Collins of Motosat, doesn’t know.
What must be realised is that these little games of the modem cause a lot of trouble.
Because it is difficult and complicated to fix the problems.
Each time the victim needs to go through a long learning process, as it is unexplored territory.
The hard part then becomes the fact that it is not by the own choice that one has to learn step by step how to make the system work again.
It is forced upon.
All other activities need to stop.
Other people need to get involved.
While there is no interest whatsoever to be actually involved in these problems.
And it is something not to expect when buying a communication system costing around $ 8.000 (€ 6.332).
During the process of solving the problem, frequently new challenges are met.
Like problems within the problem.
With the same characteristic: unexplainable why it occurs.
Like during the process of re-registration of the modem while connected to the administration-server of Motosat.
During that process, at one particular step, the modem disconnects from the link.
Until this is noticed one is puzzled why all the time the registration that is tried fails.
There is a solution, which needs to be discovered also.
To re-start the modem at the point where it disconnects and then to continue the step-by-step re-registration process.
Why is it disconnecting at that particular point in the process?
To make the life of the customer more miserable?
One of the many little games played with the person that has spend $ 8.000?
After that hurdle has been taken and the administrative server of Motosat has been reached, a large message appears eventually on the screen.

And how many times it is tried, each effort results in getting the same message.
Now it is suspected it has to do with the browser and the computer.
With an Apple computer and its Firefox and Safari browsers it might be impossible to access the Motosat server and re-register the modem.
Hence, today the help of neighbours is requested to come with their Windows PC laptop to try if this will work out.
It feels that the purpose of life has been shanghaied.
The activities that are planned and considered important to perform are forced to be put on hold.
This can happen.
And it has been experienced before.
For example, when a hurricane forces to leave a certain location where work is made.
Or when a military junta enforces a curfew.
Or when the flu makes the photographer to stay in bed.
But it is not acceptable when it concerns a modem.
That a stupid piece of electronics can manipulate the life of a well-intentioned person.
Because that stupid piece of electronics was made by human beings in an incompetent way.
Meanwhile a new problem with the Motosat system is waiting.
When the satellite disk on the roof of the Fuso Szulc returns to its fold up position, it is not going back to its original position anymore.

It is off sideways and wants to come down on the roof like that.
Not fitting in the holder anymore.
Manually the action of stowing the disk needs to be stopped to avoid damage.
There has been communication with Motosat about this sudden occurring new problem.
The solution they offer is surrealistic and absurd but unavoidable:
You take off the whole satellite disk and its mount from the roof of the Fuso Szulc.
Pack it somehow and send it to our factory in Salt Lake City.
We will fix the problem and send everything back to you.

This may sound rather unbelievable.
But it is true.
In another posting more about this fantastic new calamity with the Motosat Datastorm Satellite System.
1 comment:
Don't get excited. Getting your water hot will result in kidney burn out. Maybe Mr Bush is having a little fun at your expense. LOL
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