The days are becoming longer and warmer.
The sun is getting higher in the sky and shining more forcefully.
Near the old school building, the tree is showing its annual flowers.
Attracting many butterflies and bees.

In one of the trees erected next to the Fuso Szulc, a pair of woodpeckers have made their home.
For months they have been hacking a hole in this tree and making it hollow.
Now they are breeding their eggs.
One of the two always sits inside their nest.
However, a flock of sparrows, temporarily staying at the oasis of rancho Punta Boca del Salado, have found out that these woodpeckers have eggs in their home.
Every morning the sparrows come to attack the two woodpeckers to try to climb into the nest and eat the eggs.
But the woodpeckers have a friend in their neighbour.
Every time the sparrows come, they are chased away with handclapping and stones being thrown.
Somehow, the woodpeckers understand this.
They are not afraid of the threatening sounds the human is making and the stones he is throwing.
They stay where they are and when the sparrows are gone, continue their securing of their heritage.

The two dogs, Rocky and Guante, also experience Spring.
They are transforming from puppies into adult dogs.
Being male dogs this can be noticed by seeing their reproductive organs grow more prominently.
In other words, while they did not have any testicles or even a scrotum, now, proudly, freshly landed balls swing between their hind legs.

What has that to do with Spring, if we may ask?
Doesn’t this happen year-round?
Well, yes.
But not only do their testicles fit nicely in the scrotum, but in this posting as well.
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