Their names, portrait pictures and information where exactly they live.
All this information she has put on a website for everybody to see.
It is the first time in the Netherlands this is happening.
Within two days the server of the website got overloaded with hits and can't be reached anymore.
The current public debate in the Netherlands is centered on the privacy aspect of making information about child offenders public.
Even a person who has molested a child has a right to privacy, many people argue.
And witch hunts should be avoided.
But others say that the concern for children is more important.
If parents know that around the corner a child molester is living, they can prepare themselves and their children if they are informed.
Immediately after the website was available, the first attacks on the houses where the child molesters live were reported.
Bricks thrown through their windows.
Faeces deposed in their mailboxes.
For sure the way the child molesters used to live will change because they are now publicly known.
The person behind this first website with information about child molesters is a woman.
A very concerned and alert lady.
She is claiming that the trouble the child molesters are getting because of publishing their identities and addresses openly is nothing compared to what a child experiences when molested.
A child that is misused will have to live a life with a deep scar that will always hurt.
Hence, why have pity for the culprit?
In the Netherlands it is not legal to open a website and publish private information of, for example, child molesters.
This is why the particular Dutch website is hosted in the USA in the name of an American.
In the USA it is normal to have websites where one can check if in the neighborhood a child offender is living.
However, it is unfortunate that this has become a commercial business.
One can go to the website with information about sex offenders and has to give the zip code where one is living.
As well as an e-mail address.

Within 5 seconds the message appears how many sex offenders are located in the immediate area.
In the test case today, a staggering 33 registered sex offenders turn out to live in the proposed zip code area.

But it doesn’t say who they are and where exactly they live.
If that information is desired, and who does not want to know more about this threatening news of 33 registered sex offenders in the neighbourhood, has to pay money.
It is not too much, only $ 10, but nevertheless.
If someone wants to know on a regularly basis about the situation with sex offenders in the area, one must pay $ 4,95 a month.
Of course, there is no guarantee that the information supplied is accurate.
Nothing is off-limits for money.
Nevertheless, this blogwriter is a warm proponent for making the names and addresses of child molesters public.
However, in a non-commercial way.
Child molesters must know and realize before to molest that their pleasure will be only for a few moments.
But that next all the rest of their life they will suffer of their deplorable act.
This might make them think twice before to molest.
And might make them decide to look for professional help.
Because that is the only way.
A website to know in the USA if a sexual predator lives in your neighbourhood:
1 comment:
I live in Virginia. The state police here maintains a sex offenders registry website that lists all registered sex offenders by locality, searchable by zip code, community name, etc. The site gives precise home and work addresses as well as photos and the offender's degree if violence. The school where I used to teach keeps an updated book in the teachers' lounge which contains the offender information. It was alarming to know that offenders were so close to the children I taught.
I just checked the registry and although I live in one of the better neighborhoods in my city, I discovered that there are 3 registered offenders with-in easy walking distance of my house and 2 elementary schools.
The site mentioned was found by Googling "Virginia sex offenders registry". I would think that other state governments would also have free registry sites.
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