It has pleased the Pope, otherwise known as the Holy Father, to reply and the Preferred loyal and fervent blog readers have been receiving a copy of what the Pope has to say.
The Pope has a lot more to explain these days after welcoming in his Catholic Church Bishop Williamson.
An ultra-conservative Englishman who is a member of a Ku Klux Klan-like brotherhood that is anti-Semitic, anti-Arabic and anti-Muslim.
Already plenty of Catholics have left now the Pope’s Church because it is irreconcilable to be in the flock with right wing white racists.
Another posting last week was about potential protectionism because in the rescue package for the American economy steel to fix bridges can only be bought in the United States.
It is as if Barack Obama reads this blog as well: they are now taking protectionist rules out of the rescue package.
The steel can now potentially be imported as well.
Potentially because who would order South Korean steel if there is plenty of money and US steel available?
It might be more expensive but buying it with the enormous quantities available anyway, keeps the US-steel mills going.
So, it will not be protectionism but favouritism.
Who can condemn you for buying at Macy’s and not at Wall*Mart, eh?
Then we have Lynndie England.

Who gave an interview yesterday to the program “Outlook” of the BBC Worldservice.
An astonishing interview.
Many fervent and loyal blog readers do remember Lynndie.
The woman appearing in the pictures made in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
Having fun and a good time torturing, degrading, insulting and paining Iraqi prisoners.

Those pictures have damaged tremendously the image of the United States worldwide.
And caused a lot of response in terms of violence, destruction, condemnation and denouncing.
Eventually, ex-President Bush called it in his farewell speech: “The biggest disappointment of my Presidency”.
But Lynndie England got away with only a two years prison sentence.
Recently she was released.
And recently Abu Ghraib was re-opened…
Lynndie was in prison for a relative short time.
Related to other US-soldiers who are condemned for war crimes.
In that sense she was lucky.
But she will remain a condemned and sentenced woman all her life.
She was telling that now she is living with her son together with her parents.
Who are paying her bills because Lynndie has no income.
She is trying to get a job, but even at Wal*Mart she was refused because she has a criminal record.
Besides, she is scared to death.
That someone will put a bullet in her head for what she has done in Abu Ghraib prison.
For the damage she has done to the USA and the damage to Iraqi prisoners.
Who are released by now but not getting any compensation for the cruel mistreatments.
It is a tragic person, this Lynndie England, but it is hard to feel any pity for her.
For what she has to tell now.
No remorse whatsoever.
In her opinion she is not guilty of anything.
She claims she has not been torturing.
She has not been inhumanely treating Iraqi prisoners.
She says she just happened to have a boyfriend at the time who liked to make pictures.
Kinky pictures of her about which she doesn’t want to talk.
And pictures of Iraqi prisoners and he asked her to stand there with them.
According to her she didn’t want to be in those pictures.
But he said: “If you love me, I can photograph you with them”.
That’s why she did it because she loved the guy.
Hence, she presents herself now as a victim of an evil guy.
Suggesting she is innocent and did nothing wrong.
A very good thing was that the BBC journalist, Lucy Ash, asked Lynndie England how she feels now about those Iraqi men she has treated so badly in Abu Ghraib prison.
England replied: “I don’t want to answer that question”.
“Why not?”, Ash asked.
“Because it makes me feel uncomfortable”.
Oh, dear, the delicate little thing…
It makes her feel uncomfortable…
But not to torture others.
You can hear the full flabbergasting interview with Lynndie England by clicking on:
You obviously have a long-held opinion about Lynndie England, one based simply on your emotional reaction to the photographs. That's a shame; because there's plenty of substance in what she is saying. Anyone who is aware of the circumstances that led to the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal knows that while the photos may be the only physical evidence we have, what was depicted in the photos is not the only abuse that was taking place in Iraq at that time. In some ways England is a victim, victim of a torture policy that was devised by others higher up the chain of command. PUCK
It is so obvious that you refuse to believe this woman did not torture anyone - she didn't, and the pictures documented what the BUSH POLICY sanctioned. I am so sick of you folks who fall for media stereotypes, and yet you refuse to demand the arrest and trial of the Bush administration for war crimes.
More power to you Lynndie - you paid the ultimate price for the evil decisions of the Bush team....
As a media person, I don't think one should believe all that the press writes about. A lot of news is put in by vested interests. A lot is at stake as millions read papers and watch TV and the truth is often subverted. The media is a fantastic vehicle for all this disinformation. Plus, remember, war is not for sane minds. So why expect sane reactions at the front?
So, though I condemn violence of all kinds, I would hesitate to jump to conclusions. There is much more than meets the eye.
--Rajendar Menen
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