There are fabulous results and let’s be generous and share one of the pictures of today with the loyal and fervent blog readers.

This morning when preparing all the photographic equipment to go down to work on the beach, a coyote was spotted eating something that had washed ashore.
Recently, no coyotes had been seen and not heard at night.
It was therefore surprising to see that coyote.
Shortly after, down at the beach, the coyote had seen the approaching of the photographer and made his way to the dunes to vanish in the bushes of the desert.
Coyotes are very shy animals and appreciate their liberty and life highly.
Curious what the coyote had found the walk was made to the spot where he had been eating.
This had washed ashore.

A beautiful sea turtle.
Very dead.
On the long beach of El Triple are three bodies of dead sea turtles now.
And again it is suspected they are, like the giant squids, victims of the nets of the Mexican fishermen.
When the bodies of the dead squids were found some feelings of regret for the lives of these beasts were experienced.
But seeing a dead sea turtle affects much stronger.
It makes a grown man sentimental.
One more or one less squid, who cares?
But a sea turtle we don’t want to see dead on the beach.
Such beautiful animals.
In spite of their beauty, all species of sea turtles are threatened or endangered.
We humans have massacred them to a point close of no return.
While sea turtles play key roles in two ecosystems that are critical to them as well as to humans: the oceans and the beaches and dunes.
If sea turtles were to become extinct, the negative impact on beaches and the oceans would potentially be significant.
If the suspicion is correct that the dead sea turtles on the beach of El Triple are victims of the nets of the Mexican fishermen, the poor animals died for no good reason.
Some relatively inexpensive changes of fishing techniques, such as slightly larger hooks and traps from which sea turtles can escape, could dramatically cut their mortality rate.
But this awareness and concern cannot be found in this area and by the time the Mexican fisherman sees the light, it will probably be too late for the sea turtle.
For more about sea turtles click on:
Michel...Thank you for sharing your talents with us, but what is that a piture of? I thought maybe something had broken the Fuso windshield.'re documenting a lot more than just a Hollywood-style "sea change."
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