This is the same with a photographer.
The approach to images a photographer has is very different compared to the average person looking at pictures.
One result of being specialised in a certain discipline is that the mind is more sophisticated and hence critical when seeing results from others in the own profession.
Logically, the higher the level one has reached the less interesting the results of others become.
Since a long time this particular photographer is not looking at the work of others.
There are two reasons.
First is that most results are boring and uninteresting.
Secondly, in the rare cases interesting results are seen this particular photographer dies of jealousy.
So, what images are looked at if the particular photographer wishes to be fascinated by photography?
These days, when emotional and intellectual excitement wants to be experienced, a specific website is visited.
The website, created by a Canadian by the name of George Parada, is called “Achtung Panzer” and is dedicated to the history of tanks and people of the German Panzertruppe during World War II.
It describes most of the armoured fighting vehicles used by the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS Panzer Divisions from September 1939 to May 1945.
It is fascinating what can be seen on that website and some images trigger many moments of deep reflection.
Like these ones:

How can people imagine winning a war when using a vehicle like this one called a “Kleines Kettenkraftrad Sd.Kfz.2”?
But the Germans have build almost 9.000 of them and without embarrassment thought to be able to conquer the world using this vehicle.
It had a four cylinder Opel engine and could reach a speed of 80 kilometers/50 miles per hour.
Another fascinating truck they used was this one:

Powered by a 6 cylinder, 115 hp gasoline engine, using on a normal road 1 litre of gas for every 1,5 kilometre.
That’s 3,7 miles to the gallon.
Of course there is a deeper reason why there is such a high interest for a website like this one.
Why there is fascination for German armoured fighting vehicles from World War 2.
Opposite of all these German vehicles, made to destroy others and enforce Nazism, was, in an American made Sherman tank, the father of this blogpublisher.

The website with German armoured vehicles from World War II:
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