Their neighbours are dentists who run a practice doing a lot of aesthetic dentistry.
Their clients include the family members who all have beautiful teeth thanks to the neighbours.
Eva, the female dentist and neighbour, suggested to fix up the teeth of this nomadic photographer as well and gave an invitation to come to her practice.
She came to the conclusion that all fillings needed to be replaced and 12 crowns installed.
Costing quite a substantial amount of money and the need to stay in Poland for weeks.
There were two main reasons why the offer of Eva was not accepted.
The most important one was that looking around in her operating theatre it was noticed it was not clean.
Because of bacteria’s and infections the space where a dentist works needs to be immaculately clean.
But when even the bowl in which a patient can spit out the blood is having fungus, one will think twice before to have a treatment in those unhygienic conditions.
The other reason was that Eva was very beautiful and a heavy drinking and smoking party girl.
Super attractive checking the teeth while showing a naked belly: it was feared that it would be all too much and things would get out of control seeing her also in the evenings at the family parties.
Returning to Mexico a stop was made in Holland.
The story with dentist Eva and the possible intention of fixing up the teeth was told to long time and best friend Mandira.
A powerful Russian woman from Odessa.
She explicitly protested against the intention.
Her objection was that it would be ridiculous to have an enormous contrast between the teeth and the face.
A face not showing the age at all, but clearly presenting what it had behind it:
2 wives, 1 stepson, 13 girlfriends, 897 transcontinental flights, 274.814 miles of running and the building of the Fuso Szulc.
Putting in that face super white unnaturally ideal teeth would make the personal presentation an opportunity for people to have one of the best laughs in their lives.
Like Richard Branson, owner of Virgin:

Mandira’s point was sharp and accurate: don’t make a fool of yourself.
And exactly in line with the opinion of dentist Arturo Cruz from the Angel’s Touch Dental Clinic in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico.

He had a look inside the mouth last Tuesday and his recommendation was stunning.
He said not to put 12 super white crowns, as it would look unnatural and ridiculous.
Dr. Arturo Cruz advised to put just 8 crowns and only a slight touch whiter than the existing teeth.
An advice not in line with the Polish dentist at all and the difference must have to do with in how far the dentist allows the influence in the advice of the own financial benefits.
Obviously Dr. Arturo Cruz has the benefit of the client as the most central.
The treatment starts on Thursday and it will be learned in how far Dr. Arturo Cruz has an Angel’s Touch.
The management of the Angel’s Touch Dental Clinic has of course been informed that reports on the experience will be published on this blog.
Fervent and loyal blog readers will know that, as always, no discount or any other benefit is coming nor accepted from the Angel’s Touch Dental Clinic in exchange for what could be considered publicity.
Everything written here, now and in the future, is therefore objective, impartial and unbiased.
This loyal and fervent blog reader thinks you may have mistyped your flights. 897 transcontinental flights translates to 1 a week for more than 17 years, or twice a month for 37 years. Really?!?!?!
How dare you write such a bullshit on the internet!?
What is not clean?!, you intentions maybe?!
And if you have problem with me say just it personally don't cover yourself with this stupid blog...
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