Now that many days have been spend at El Triple, Baja California, Mexico, far away from civilization and the supermarket, supplies are low and dinners become more and more simple.
But the conversation during the dinner remains rich.
Like the question that was discussed last night why birds never fly into each other.
Humans drive cars and have such poor coordination that frequently one man crashes with his vehicle into the other.
We can see many birds together, circling in hundreds, and not one collides into another.
Not even the wings touch accidentally.
Why is that?
According to the Queen of Dreams, birds have brains.
But they don't think when they fly.
They have as their flight-control their instinct.
And they trust their intuition 100 %.
Attitudes for flying that wouldn't bring a pilot in a plane very far.
While it makes the bird fly crash and colliding free.
Birds use their brains for other purposes than flying.
For example, seagulls find shells on the beach in which live a creature the seagull wants to eat.

The bird takes the shell up in the air and drops it on a stone.
The shell cracks open and voila, the seagull can eat the creature that lives in the shell.
Crows do the same.
With walnuts.

In Japan and California there are even crows who take their walnuts to where is a road with traffic lights.
When the light is red, the crows put their walnuts in front of the waiting cars and next they wait patiently in the nearby tree.
When the traffic light turns green, the cars start driving and crush the walnuts.
Once the traffic light is red again, the crows come back and are able to eat what is inside the walnut.
Hence, birds know to do something we don't know: WHEN to use the brain.
This is called Synesthesia.
The production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.
For example colors are heard or music is seen or a smell is tasted or vice versa.
The theory is that birds in a flock, for example starlings, sense each other's closeness not visually but as "touch".
In this way they know exactly where each of the birds around them are and thus do not collide.
Despite making sudden and frequent changes of direction.

Birds are very sophisticated creatures.
But they can't make pasta.
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