Most people will know that a huge oil spill is taking place in the Gulf of Mexico.
200.000 gallons a day of crude oil spewing from a blown-out underwater well.
That has created a slick driving in the sea of 2,000 square miles.
Moving to Mississipi and Florida.
Killing anything alive.

But then we have Sue Kagel.
She is the President of Healing Touch International, Inc.
And comes up sending this letter around:
Subject: Wound Seal the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico and distance healing to contain the spill, protect the species in harm's way
Hi GC,
I was just watching TV about the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico and wondering if we could make a difference energetically by working with this.
What came to me was to have all of us work to wound seal the area where this oil is coming from.
Then what comes is to visualize this oil spill somehow contained and cleared from the water's energy field, the species protected that would be effected and support for all of those who are working so hard to contain the spill and stop it.
Of course, we set the intention for the highest good and allow that to occur, seeing restoring wholeness on earth.
Can't hurt, might very well help. Please copy and paste to your email and share with your communities. We know that we can make a difference with distance healing. The earth is a living organism, let's see what we can offer in terms of healing for her.
Blessings, love and healing,
Sue Kagel
President, Healing Touch International, Inc.
Just as useful and effective as praying to a god, eh??
I just sent a similar message to our local Land Conservancy. Prayer/Reiki/or any other form of positive energy will make a difference. We need to take our own personal action on behalf of Mother Earth.
Doc Sue
We need to take personal action on behalf of Mother Earth. Prayer/Reiki/or any positive energy we can send to the Universe will help heal this gaping wound.
Doc Sue
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