This planet is populated by monkeys and human beings and sometimes it is hard to see the difference.
When comparing the behaviours.
Take a parasol.
They put on the beach to have shadow.
Not by monkeys but by men.
This is a nice sample of a beach parasol.

The designer has been thinking about it.
And decided to use multiple colours.
The colours make the parasol more attractive.
And that enlightens the whole beach.
It makes the human being feel happy.
Joyfull and with bliss.
This particular parasol was found in front of the restaurant "La Luna Bruja" near Pichilingue in Baja California where the ferry boat to the mainland leaves.
And it was observed how smart it was of the restaurant people to put these colourfull parasols in front of their bussiness.
People passing by are pleasantly pleased by the multiple colours and might more easily decide to make a stop and have a bite.
And, fervent and loyal blog readers, that is not a bad decision.
It is a good restaurant, this "La Luna Bruja", with good food and a most friendly staff.
Like Oswaldo, after seated he comes and the first thing he says is that the newly arrived guests are most welcome.
And then the food.
For example, yesterday they served a freshly caught red snapper.
They barbecued the monster after massaging it with sweet olive oil.
Giving this special flavour to the fish.
And this under the multicoloured parasol.

But there is one thing about "La Luna Bruja" that learns there have been monkeys around.
When one naturally needs to go at one point to the bathrooms, a big surprise is awaiting.
A surprise of an unknown magnitude.
A solution to a problem only a moneky can come up with.
Have a look at the bathroom of the restaurant "La Luna Bruja".

The permanent pilgrim has been travelling all over the world for years and years and has visited thousands of bathrooms but this monkey bussiness he has never seen.
How then is this supposed to work, fervent and loyal blog readers?
You go after a good meal to unload and comfortably sit yourself on the bowl like a decent human being does.
You are relaxed and feel free to unleash any sounds and odours characteristic for your activity.
But then there is a knock on the door.
And your fellow moneky says: "It is VERY urgent".
What are you supposed to do?
To have a disaster take place outside the bathroom while next to you a bowl is available?
Are you a good man or are you a bad man, that is decided that very minute.
So you stand up and interrupt your unfinished bussines and do the well known bathroom-shuffle.
Making small mini-steps because your pants are around your ankles.
Unlocking the door the man in trouble rushes in, drops his pants, checks which bowl is not in use and lowers down to sit with a sigh.
So now we have a situation only in certain zoos we can observe.
Two men sitting next to eachother on toilet bowls opening the bowels.
Maybe a conversation takes place.
Who knows?
It is such a rare and exceptional situation that from experience it cannot be reported what happens.
What to talk about?
Politics maybe?
In between the farts and bad smells coming from beneath?
It is Sunday today and to punish ourselves not too much we will not go into how the situation will be when our two friends in the bathroom of "La Luna Bruja" have to handle the situation of wiping the asses.
Will they help eachother maybe?
To put a parasol in front of the restaurant is understandable.
But to put two toilet bowls in one bathroom, that must come from the brains of a monkey.
1 comment:
ha ha ha!!! hilarious!!
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