A time of changes. It is always a time of changes in this life but these days it is more intense and complex. Maybe because it is new moon tonight and right now 10 million Hindu’s plunge into the Ganges to wash themselves from sins from this life and the ones before to hopefully reach Nirvana. To be cleansed to have a new start to bath again next year.
Events in life tend to like to happen in clusters. Many at the same time after which a period of stillness can be experienced before a new bomb of events explodes.
One of the elements of the current cluster is the sale of the Ford Summerwind to Don Raphael. Today the keys were handed over and it was a rather emotional ceremony. This Ford Summerwind has been serving loyally and faultlessly. So many days were spent in happiness with it. Don Raphael had understanding for the separation pains. He said: “Anytime you like you can come and I will borrow you the Ford Summerwind”. That is a very sweet thing to say for a buyer.
Another element of the cluster is the trip starting tomorrow with the Lazy Daze back to the United States. The last trip because the FUSO SANTEK will become the new home. Again there are feelings of nostalgia and separation pains, to have to hand over the beautiful motor home to a new owner soon.
Every minute now is enjoyed deeply before the Lazy Daze will retreat from this life.
In the East is an element of the cluster that is also causing quite some excitement. Early February a journey will be made to Japan to document energy saving activities for a corporate magazine in Europe. Having had a Japanese wife, her country has been visited frequently. It is always fascinating to go there and each time it is like landing on another planet. Walking around totally disconnected weaving surprise upon surprise.
But most important element of the cluster is the fact that the Princess is coming. To travel and work together. Her courage and trust is impressing. And it raises many questions and thoughts and feelings of fear and happiness. Separating from motor homes and going to Japan are peanuts compared to the realization that one day soon life will be shared with this remarkable person.
New moon and in the dark and silence of the night gratefulness is.
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