Santek Trailers is a relative small company in Riverside, USA. There are only 12 employees but each one is highly skilled. There are master carpenters, welders, mechanics, electricians and all are Mexican. In unison they are building mostly trailers. Often huge ones in which a small Paris studio would fit. Also they make mobile dressing rooms for the Hollywood film production companies. And occasionally they build expedition vehicles.
The FUSO SANTEK is now in an early stage. The skeletal construction of square, hollow steel tubes is on the chassis. Also the pivotal system has been engineered and is in place in the back.
Very impressive! Can you show us or tell us about the plans?
What is the purpose of the Rear Pivotal System? Leveling of living space?
I got the link to your blog from George - I will pay attention as the unit developes . It is great having a real photographer to document a build .
The pivot link is designed to separate the twisting stresses of the box from the frame. Bolting the box directly to the frame and then subjecting the whole thing to off road twisting would rip the frame apart. High end expedition vehicles ( use a similar box/frame pivot attachment.
I'm confused...Is this your new RV to replace the Lazy Daze, or is this just a random RV you are documenting? Isn't the Lazy Daze new?
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