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But privileges are dangerous if not shared.
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Based on the same terms.
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Contrary to other blogs, where comments are censored, here anybody can say and express whatever a fervent and loyal reader wishes.
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This creates a balance between publisher of blog and reader.
A fervent and loyal blog reader might not always like what is being published.
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This connects to a conversation occurring today with Paul Westphal, the owner and manager of Santek Trailers building the exciting Santek Fuso expedition vehicle.
A product is a result of how minds are focused.
Paul Westphal has this amazing mentality that nothing is a problem.
Everything is a challenge.
An opportunity to learn.
Because he has total confidence that the Lord will take care of everything, his ego is not in the way.
Obviously, building a custom expedition vehicle, many issues have to be confronted.
It is pioneering.
Presenting a possible solution to an issue has a high chance of being of value only if it is disconnected from ego. The possible solution has nothing to do with the person presenting the solution but everything with the common cause which is to build a damned good expedition vehicle.
It is this chemistry with Paul Westphal and Roberto, the engineer of Santek Trailers, and Gayle in charge of logistics, which is fascinating to experience.
And resulting in a damn good Fuso Santek.
Let’s see some images of activities happening with the Fuso Santek today.
Building the tanks on the passenger side. The fuel tank has been moved more to the front. Because boxes underneath the camper will not go lower than 15 inches (38 centimeters), part of the tanks will be in the floor of the bathroom. These are two tanks: one on top of the other. Grey and black. Each 30 gallons (114 liters). Fresh water tanks totalling 65 gallons (246 liters) will be mounted later between the chassis.
Today also the floor covering was selected. Matching the maple colour of the walls.
Lining will be in the same colour.
Driver's side. This box will carry the batteries and the propane tank.
Meanwhile the hard working SANTEK crew has already build the cabinets. At a strategic moment they will be put inside the FUSO SANTEK.
The boxes are welded behind the wheels. The angle these boxes have has to do with off-road conditions.
Lower tank soon to be joined by upper tank.
Before to put in the metal floor in driver's side box.
Inside much work has been done already. To the right the little door which will give access to plumbing of bathroom. Important in case a problem arises later. Right in front the access to the storage space underneath the bed.. To the left the space where the water heater will be located behind the 8 cu. feet Domestic fridge.
All wiring has already been put in place.
Roberto has put a floor plan and instructions on one of the walls of the FUO SANTEK.
Remark duck tape is used for this...
Please remember this image in less than two weeks...
1 comment:
Wow, when the tioga team sees this they will want one like it.
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