This is supposed to happen tomorrow.

What a tremendous luck to have escaped where will be dramatic devastation soon where the last 3 weeks were spent.
Is this karma, instinct or simply coincidence?
Last night with the sweet and helpful friend in La Paz the film “Hero” was watched.
The 2002 film made by Zhang Yimou.
Of course afterwards the film inspired to have a profound exchange of opinions basically about life.
And exactly this subject of karma and instinct became one of the main topics.
This was also inspired by the fact that while watching the movie two new earthquakes (4.2 magnitude) trembled La Paz.
Not knowing if the 5 earthquakes in the last 2 days were only a preparation for this one and only devastating earthquake to destroy La Paz completely, or that they were just small, playful and harmless shakings of the earth, it was realized that karma, predestination or instinct was coming into the picture.
Were we to have lives in which the approaching hurricane and the earthquakes would climax into the most dramatic experience imaginable as a logic conclusion of the series of events?
The cluster theory ruling?
Like if we were people peacefully living in 1906 when on Wednesday April 18 at 5.12 a.m. an earthquake destroyed San Francisco and killed over 3.000 people.

It is all about the inability of human beings to understand what the matrix of reality they live in means for the near future.
This to the contrary of animals that are more closely connected to their instincts, not having the option of thinking and not being dazzled by rational contemplations.
Meanwhile the Fuso Szulc had been left in the care of Don Raul.
Because in La Paz it is very warm the two large roof vents were left open.
During the night, sleeping in a beautiful and air-conditioned room, at about 3.30 a.m., the sound of rain woke up the peaceful sleeper.
Opening the curtains tropical rainfall was turning the street into a long canal.
It was realized immediate action had to be taken to go and close the roof vents of the Fuso Szulc.
Not finding an umbrella, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts only, the impressive house was left and the sensation was experienced to run in the deserted La Paz streets in the middle of the night in the heavy pouring but warm rain.
Within two minutes the rain had soaked the running person as after a dive in a swimming pool.
Turning a corner a hooker was standing there under a canopy.
Looking in surprise to this crazy running guy in the pouring rain.
Shouting “Not tonight” and this was not because the most urgent matter of closing the roof windows had priority.
For her and the runner, there would never be a tomorrow.
Of course Don Raul was deep asleep.
And the gate to the property where the Fuso Szulc was spending safely the night locked.
Meanwhile the amount of rain falling was causing serious devastation inside the Fuso Szulc.
One roof window is exactly above the bed and nobody wants a Tempur Pedic mattress costing a fortune to get soaked and lost forever and ever.
The metal door was banged.
“Don Raul, por favor !!!”.
Bang, bang, bang.
Yell, yell, yell.
Every minute lost in waking up Don Raul had more rainfall go into the Fuso Szulc.
Eventually it was decided to climb the high fence in spite of a dangerously barking dog on the other side.
When on top of the fence, wet like a fish, panicked like a hunted deer, thinking again about karma and instinct, Don Raul appeared.
Naked but for a short as men wore in Paris in 1934.
“Don Raul, so sorry but please open the gate before the Fuso Szulc has become a swimming pool”.
He opened the gate, another run to the Fuso Szulc, fumbling with the keys to open the door because of the high level of adrenaline speeding through the veins, and the roof vents could be closed.
More apologies to Don Raul.
He will get an extra 50 Pesos today for all the trouble.
Walking back the rain had become less.
It was in fact a thunderstorm: not yet the hurricane.
That is for tomorrow.
Turning the corner the hooker had gone.
Maybe hopeful for tomorrow.
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