And very near the beach a smaller landing craft with a team of Mexican Navy personnel passed by inspecting with binoculars carefully the land.
Yesterday a small single engine military plane came over real low obviously inspecting anything suspicious.
This must have to do with the war against drugs.
It is true that frequently so-called “pangas”, the kind of boat local fishermen use, pass by obviously not fishing.
They go at a distance not very close to the coast and hurry from the south to the north and back.
This is new.
There have always been occasionally “pangas” fishing in eyesight of El Triple and it could be seen how nets were put out, lobster traps and fishing lines.
But these “pangas” hurrying up and down is probably a different story.
In other parts of Mexico a true drugs war is going on where local rival gangs got angry and threw five cut off heads into a bar.
Therefore the attitude at El Triple is to mind only the own business.
This is the 15th day of the 2nd period of retreat.
The effects of the deprivation are becoming noticeable.
Pure feelings of being elated whirl in the heart like a fresh and cooling wind.
This is also because the problems making life in the Fuso Szulc unpleasant have momentarily disappeared.
The attachment of the camper box to the Fuso chassis is something that will be looked at again on the next trip to town.
The problem with the water pump and the Seelevel Tankmonitor threatening to set the Fuso Szulc on fire is solved.
The pump operates now without the Seelevel Tankmonitor and an e-mail was received from Don Shapansky:
We have discussed this problem with our engineers and we think the trouble is also related to the draw the pump makes on the circuit.
We will replace the console with a new one and include a relay to be installed to operate the pump without stress on the console.
Let us know where to ship the parts and we will also prewire the relay as much as possible with a schematic included as to how it is to be installed.
Donald J (Don) Shapansky
Garnet Technologies Inc.
Granbury, TX 76049”
In about 10 days, due to supplies getting too low, a trip to the town of La Paz will be made and the parcel from Don Shapansky picked up to install a brand new and more sophisticated Seelevel Tankmonitor.
Right now, after 15 days in the boondocks, supplies are still more or less OK.
There are of course no more papayas, melons and mangoes.
But still enough apples, oranges, vegetables, cheese, toasted bread and margarine.
Still enough fruit juice, drinking water and propane.

By the day the life becomes more ascetic and Spartan-like but this process of simplification is appreciated.
Because it is very nurturing to sit on the terrace and to enjoy the view in peace and harmony.

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