Once arrived at a location where a considerable amount of time will be spend, the Integrated Sensor Suite is erected on a pole outside.

As of then the wind speed is shown on a console inside the Fuso Szulc as well as the outside temperature, the barometric pressure, possible rainfall in cc and the humidity.

This is about the third weather center that is in use: the two former ones, one from Oregon Scientific and one from LaCrosse Technology all broke down eventually.
They were about $ 150 each and lasted only a short time.
Therefore, eventually, the decision was made to simply get a semi professional weather center of high quality.
This became the Davis Vantage Vue costing $ 355.
It is a wonderful weather center but happiness didn’t last long.
Within a month it started malfunctioning.
On the Sensor Suite outside is a solar panel charging a build in battery for power at night.
This now, is not working.
The whole thing sends data only when the extra back-up battery is installed using that energy or when the sun shines.

Of course the help desk of the company Davis has been contacted to ask why a $ 355 weather center is not operating properly.
Their answer is that they have no idea why there is this problem.
They made one suggestion, to reset the Sensor Suite by keeping it in the absolute dark for 24 hours, but that is not the solution.
Recently, December 2, Davis was informed again about the malfunctioning, but no reply yet.
What is feared is that the Sensor Suite will need to go back to the manufacturer and from Mexico that is a lot of hassle.
Especially getting it back because Mexican Customs may charge the usual heavy import taxes or, like often, the parcel may get lost.
So now the reflection in the mind is why for heaven’s sake $ 355 was spent to want to know from where the wind blows.
Why not please live with only what there is?
I have also had bad results with wireless weather stations. I now have a way that will hopefully last my lifetime....I raise and turn a wet finger!
Is there a chance that salt from the ocean has covered over the solar sensor rendering it incapable of charging?
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