Because all of the 6 solar panels need to be rewired, somehow they need to come off the roof.
To be able to open a box mounted on the back of the solar panels where the wires connect.
It was hoped that the brackets were connected to the solar panel with self-tapping bolts.
Called TEK-bolts.
One was taken off but it was a bolt, ring and a nut.

As a consequence, the bolts holding the bracket to the roof had to be attacked.

Now being able to see the backside of the solar panels, it was discovered how Santek Trailers from Riverside, California, USA, has been wiring the solar panels.

Meanwhile loyal and supportive friend Robert Hill from San Diego has received from AM Solar the Combiner Box.

He has made a parcel containing this Combiner Box, wiring and all paraphernalia needed to do the job.
Sent by DHL to a family member of Gumaro of Rancho Punta Boca del Salado, Bertha Gonzalez.
She lives in the small town of La Ribera, one hour from the rancho.
The parcel is supposed to arrive in 5 days.
Every loyal and fervent blog reader can track how the parcel is doing.
Go to and introduce tracking number 7841580 390

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