That is an easy position.
Just see results of hard work and have an opinion.
What never is taken into consideration is how the artist managed to produce the work.
And that is the way it should be.
It is of no importance what were the circumstances in which art was made when having an opinion about its artistic value.
Nevertheless, the circumstances, although not often getting attention, are extremely vital.
Every good artist is in the first place a person who manages to create favourable circumstances to produce art.
There are plenty of talented persons who potentially could create fabulous art but who lack the skills to create the right circumstances to produce their artistic work.
Or who live in societies where favourable circumstances to create art are simply impossible to organize.
It is not very likely we will see paintings in a New York gallery from a painter living in Tchad, Africa or from Baghdad, Iraq.
Artists should realize this.
That it is a privilege to be able to make art.
A lot comes from the initiative of the artist.
And of persistence, ambition, talent and passion.
But it all starts by where an artist is born.
As had been planned months ago, these weeks are dedicated to create images based on pictures made at El Triple, Baja California, Mexico, last summer.
Knowing that the circumstances would be perfect to give all the attention to this part of the photography.
How great it is that it is working out as expected.
It is peaceful at Punta Boca del Salado.
No big events taking the attention away from the main task.
Nothing upsetting the emotional system.
All other activities, like preparing the trip to Europe and India next month, going smoothly.
Most important, being in very good health with daily exercises, running, simple but healthy food and no drugs nor alcohol.
This is how the mind, the imagination, creativity and fantasy are placed in a good position to get the ideas needed to create unique and fascinating images.
To discover new ways of seeing reality.
This successful time of being peaceful and creative, seeing astonishing images as a result, is the best in life.
Absorbed fully by the creative process, everything focused and centred on it, each minute, each heartbeat, it is a situation of feeling to belong.
To be what to be.
As a courtesy to the fervent and loyal blog readers, another recent image of the “PS-series” is published here.

© Michel Szulc Krzyzanowski, 2008
To obtain an original of this image, large size printed on watercolour paper with archival inks in a limited edition of 5, contact Galerie Baudoin Lebon in Paris, France .
To contact Galerie Baudoin Lebon, click on:
It makes me feel happy for you, that you are sharing your art on your blog site.
I am happy for me also, because it makes me feel good to view your images.
I have the same sentiments as George.
This particular piece makes me feel like it is the eyes of God, closely inspecting his work.
Stay safe, be happy,
Don Howe
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