- The metal areas of the camper box showing rust are re-painted.
- The way the solar panels are wired is going to be improved.
- The shock absorbers are going to be changed for Bilsteins.
Having an expedition vehicle is a constant presence like a child.
It asks attention almost all the time.
Besides the daily attention, the mind also frequently is imagining how the expedition vehicle could be improved.
What could be made better a next time.
This concerns more technical aspects.
The floor plan as exists now could not be improved.
Yesterday the thought flashed through the mind that imagining how to improve the Fuso Szulc could also be applied to the human body.
The question as a mind teaser: can the body be improved?

In this case it doesn’t matter whether the body is the result of creation or evolution.
With the knowledge and power of imagination we have now, we could picture the body better and more practical.
One flaw the body has is that it has not a back-up system like airplanes have.

If a human being gets a heart attack, no organ can take over the work of the heart.
We do not have an extra pump built in to circulate the blood.
Although that would be really handy.
Like a hybrid car.
Another flaw is the sewage system.

What a bad idea to have human beings carry a bladder that frequently needs emptying.
Why can’t we get rid of extra fluids through transpiring, sweating and crying only?
Talking about sweating and transpiring, in nature are flowers that used creation or evolution to obtain the power to release the most delicate smells.
Like jasmine.
Human beings should achieve this also.
That heavy sweating results in the most delicate and delicious odours surrounding that person.
That one may think, hmmmm, smells like jasmine flowers here, but that it is just a runner passing by.
Unfortunate are also our fingers and toes.
They come in 10’s only and of a limited length.
There are many jobs that would be so much easier if we simply had more than 10 fingers.

Our physical stability would improve tremendously if we had, let’s say, 20 toes.

And what about length.
Many activities need in fact longer fingers.
Not only scratching the own back but also pointing to things.
The longer the finger, the more clear the indication will be.
More fingers and toes have the disadvantage of more nails to cut, but that is a low price to pay.
And of course we need to buy new shoes and gloves.
Like a camper and motor home, the human body could be improved, although we don’t consider Steve from Lazy Daze to be God.
1 comment:
( I keep getting prompted to repeat my earlier message, as "wonderful" as it was. )
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