So we have a Mexican 22 year old girl who has been crowned Miss Universe.

She had to parade in gown and bikini and answer questions like how to handle kids and Internet.

Piece of cake for Jimena Navarrete from Guadalajara, Mexico.
She is a model as of the age of 14.
Hopefully she realizes that as of now she has reached the top and is it downhill from now on.
Unless she focuses on other targets in life.
Let’s say more spiritual matters.
For the moment though she brings some positive PR back to her home country.
From where the world hears only stories of drug related violence of the most cruel kind.
Like yesterday, five guys hanging from a bridge with heads and genitals cut off.
While around the corner lives now Miss Universe…
Another issue for Jimena Navarette will be more than ever guys trying to conquer her.
In general young women, and it doesn’t matter much how they look and what personally they have, have always guys trying to have sex with them.
Where ever they go, they are approached by sweet talking fellows who compliment for nothing and spray sweet water all over, what they will have forgotten once they have landed their load.
Many young women believe that all this attention comes their way so easily and frequently because they are somehow special or attractive and beautiful but the truth is that the attention only comes because they have a vagina.
The one of Jimena Navarrete is probably the one the most sought after these days and if she is clever, and she might very well be, she should go for the guy with the most money in the bank.
Have him for a year, divorce him with a load of alimony and live happy ever after.

yes, agree with you.
indian beauty queens join bollywood. generally, they are smart girls and do well for themselves!!!
hmmmm, okay I am ASSuming you are being facetious and not just an ASS. ;-)
Of course she should be very picky about who she lets into her heart and that is the ONLY criterion she should use for selecting a long-term partner. (to state the bleeding obvious)
Of course she should be very picky about who she lets into her heart and that is the ONLY criterion she should use for selecting a long-term partner. (to state the bleeding obvious)
It is easy to be on land and tell a ship on the wild sea how to hold course.
Been crowned to Miss Universe means being overwhelmed in many ways.
By business proposals and private matters.
One aspect is that many men will approach the Miss to get in her pants.
And those men are the most professional around.
She is a 22 year old girl from Mexico and how can you expect her to hold course under that kind of pressure?
It is impossible.
It is much more realistic for her to escape from all that by simply choosing the richest and nicest guy, to marry him for a year and then be independent for the rest of her life.
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